pt. 3

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(This is not my own idea btw!!)

Namjoon and I were going on another date today at the movie theater. But we didn't want to buy the over priced food there. We were gonna put it in my bag, then we remembered that this specific theater checks your bags. Invasion of privacy much?!  Then Namjoon came up with the most brillant idea.
"Ugh, Namjoon. Why we are in the baby section? I'm not even pregnant and what does this even have to do with the movie anyway?!" I reply impatiently.
"Trust me babe." Namjoon says as cooly as ever with the biggest smile on his face showing off his adorable dimples.
"Fine.." I say slightly blushing.
We walked out of the store with a baby blanket and one of those portable baby car seats. (Idfk what it is called)
"Are you gonna tell me why we have the baby stuff now?" I ask.
"If we put the food in here  cover it with the blanket and take it with us to the theater they will believe its a baby. Then they won't check it." Namjoon said proudly with a grin on his face.
"Sonetimes you are the smartest person I know and sometimes the dumbest." I say flicking his forehead.
"Owwwwie!! That hurt!" Namjoon says while rubbing his head. As I open the car door I say to him,
"It was meant to stupid." I just sat down in the car.
After we went and did more shopping for food we headed straight to the theaters to see Collateral Beauty. I haven't seen it yet but I heard it is really good, so I'm hoping it is! I was brought back to reality when I heard someone say my name, I turn around to find Namjoon gesturing me to come in with our  baby. We handed the guy our tickets.
"Go to the left side, theater 3." He looked at the baby.  I looked at Namjoon giving him the what-do-we-do look.  He eyes me telling me to calm down. I take a deep breath in and out. The guy looks at us and asks,
"How old is your baby?" I immediately respond saying,
"He is 2 months old." I say while smiling.
"Well you sure skinny for giving birth." He says while looking me up and down. I shiver internally. PERVERT! 
"Hey, back off she's mine." Namjoons.papi says irradiated. He wraps his arm around my waist, gives me a kiss on the cheek and drags me towards theater 3. When we get to our seats we sat in spot where there aren'ta lot of people. I put the baby  on the ground.
"I swear I'm gonna beat that guy's ass fucking thinks he can check out my girlfriend right in front of me! He's got another thing coming." Namjoon whisper yells.
"Babe calm down. You can beat his ass later first our date and food." I thought it was funny when Namjoon was taking out all  of the food from the baby seat thingy. (Again idfk what it's called)  We put our food in the seat next to me.
As we walked out Namjoon carried the baby instead of me because I was a mess. My eyes and nose were all red because of me crying. As we were walking I kept sniffling. Namjoon turned towards me once we were outside.
"You know you can stop crying right? The movie is over." He said. I looked up at him,
"I know but it was just really sad......." I was going on about how depressing and good it was all the way home.

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