Chapter Six:

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                I waste the day watching people as they go by, staring into my dorm. I would expect them to considering what happened today. I really want to take my anger out on something, but I need another activity other than punching a bag violently. I don’t have any friends, so subjectively “hanging out” like Derek said he was going to do a few hours ago in the cafeteria is out of the question. I’m not saddened by the fact that I don’t have friends, just upset because that means I have nothing to do all day but watch TV and force Derek to get away from me. “Hey, want to come to a party with me?” I swear he pops up every time I think about him.

                “A party? Where?” I inquire.

                “Just trust me, it’s going to be a great party,” He pauses to sit down next to me. “The best part is that it’s off-campus.”

                “Oh, I’m in then. As long as I get to see the sunlight again.” I’ve missed it’s warmth on my skin.

                “I’m driving, so get dressed and let’s hit the road.” I quickly put on the only dress I brought along with me. It’s actually the only one I own. It’s- you would have guessed it- black and strapless, with sparkles and sequins all over it. I like the dress itself, but I don’t like the concept of dresses at all. Unfortunately, I only brought one pair of shoes with me. It’s not that unfortunate, actually. I quickly put my makeup on in the bathroom while he gets dressed outside. He dresses in a blue dress shirt and black dress pants. I want to tell him that he looks nice, but I think I would be lying to him if I did.

I follow behind him down the hall, into the elevator, and into his sports car.

                “How did you afford this car? I didn’t think instructors got paid enough to buy one of these,” I say, putting my seatbelt on.

                “Very funny. But, I basically saved up my entire life,” he laughs as he uses the mirror between us to back up. I don’t really have a response. I want to laugh, but I don’t think it’s funny enough to laugh at. Plus, I don’t want to give him that satisfaction.

                It only takes a few minutes to get to the house that is hosting this party. It’s obvious that there’s a party being held here because the regular lights have been replaced by blinking and flashing ones. You can hear the music all the way down the street as well. I’ve never really been to a party before, but seeing as the other girls are dressed up like I am, I see that I’ve made the right decision in putting a dress on.

                When I walk into the house, I smell that familiar stench of alcohol and intoxicated college students. It’s only around 6 or 7 o’clock, so I don’t understand why people are already so drunk. By the time I’ve fully made it through the door, three people with alcohol on their breath have run into me. I really want to knock them six feet in the other direction by slamming my foot into their face, but they’re drunk so they probably won’t feel it or recognize that they’ve been moved at all. I hate to admit it, but I think I could deserve a drink. I walk over to the punch bowl, and pour myself a cup of whatever they have in this bowl. It tastes pretty good, but I don’t know if Derek plans on getting hammered or not so I have to keep my drinking to a minimum. He just seems like that type of person. I don’t exactly have a driver’s license, but I refuse to drive back to campus with a drunk driver.

                I waste the next 3 hours or so mindlessly walking around & sipping my one drink that I’ve limited myself to. A few people stop me to inexplicably tell me how pretty I am, or to compliment my dress. I thank them, but keep moving. One girl even asks to switch shoes with me because her feet hurt. Seeing as I’ll probably look on this later in my life, I would regret not trading shoes with this girl and miss out on the opportunity of walking in high heels. I know I’ll never buy any of my own, so why not switch with this drunken buffoon? She gives me her number, just in case I can’t find her when I want to leave, but I can barely make it out. I ask her to say it out loud so I can rewrite it. Luckily, I made her set the ringtone on her phone as loud as it can go, just in case for some reason she does not answer her phone. She runs away in my military boots back to the guy I saw her kissing when I first walked in.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2014 ⏰

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