Beauty Within (12-02-2013)

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This is something my boyfriend made me read when I was feeling like there wasn't anyone there for me, and now I'd like to share it with you guys. Enjoy!!

I felt so rejected, alone and sad

like an abandoned puppy left to wander a street.

It was then I realized that my life was real bad

So I disowned every challange I happened to meet.

I just gave up on trying to make others happy

So I fell in a hole that was too deep to climb

I sure didn't care if others felt crappy.

People got on my nerves for such a long time.

'Til I saw someone who changed my ways.

But the way that I felt when my eyes met her gaze.

I forgot all my troubles, my sorrow and such.

She helped pull me out of that hellish, dark hole.

I got all my thoughts back on track and my heart set in place.

She filled up this feeling, one that never felt full

She got rid of my hatred, which I'll never retrace.

It was then that I noticed, how my life would get better.

She became my sweet saviour, a gift from above.

My life would become nothing, had I never met her.

I'm glad that I have someone now that I love.

When I am without her, the sun doesn't shine as brightly.

When I am without her, The clouds are dark and foreboding.

When I am without her, the birds don't sing as sweetly.

When I am without her, in the depths of my hell, whispering her name sustains me.

But, when I am with her, She lifts me up.

When I am with her, I have the strength to move mountains.

When I am with her, I can withstand anything.

When I am with her, Her smile warms my very soul.

When I am with her,When I am with her, the angels sing her name.

When I am with her... I fall in love all over again.

Her beauty is that of a million diamonds glittering in the sun

Each reflecting it's own light, making brilliant patterns.

The angels gasp in the wake of her presence.

She in herself, being a master piece of God's work,

As his giant hands molded her, he knew exactly who she would be.

She would be the one who could make a man stop and gasp.

Who could content a man just being within his arms.

Making him feel the warmth through just a brush of the lips.

Whose smile could light up the surrounding darkness.

Whose laugh could make anyone believe they had wings.

She would be the one that young man would fall for

Who would see her true beauty in the surrounding gloom.

Who would long for mere minutes with her.

Who would always know how lucky he was.

He wouldn't mistake infatuation over love.

He would realize all prayers had been answered.

He would simply pray, "I want her to be the one."

The one who points your way to the sun.

A person they believe makes them complete.

The one who will support when facing defeat.

"you are my angel," My one and only.

My forever love, so we'll never be lonely.

You've brought to my life, all your love and care.

It made me see, when I realized how rare

It is to meet your angel, or their lifetime one.

Through you and my children, whose life has begun.

What you've done, you've illuminated my soul.

It's you and your love, your soft touch and caress.

We're tight, so close, your heart beats in my chest.

All that we have, always felt missing before.

THough I love you today, tomorrow will be more.

Our love is life, we are the strongest tree

Which will always grow forever, like you and me.

You have opened my heart and held it so dear. 

You are my angel and will always keep it near. 

You have seen my ups and cared when I was low.

"You are my angel," I just need you to know.

You entered my life, through a ray of sun above.

And when we leave, we will leave together in love.

My love foryou has become my reason to be.

I hope one day,

You'll find

Your angel...

In me.

The first time I read this, I bawled and just couldn't stop... I got four words in and just stopped. Cried and cried and cried. It wasn't till the next day I could read it all the way through. But, I guess my point in this one is, YOU DON'T NEED TO FRET. Your true love is closer than you could ever believe. And no, I'm not saying it's your mom or dad, or the one who claims you as their son or daughter. I mean, look. It can be someone you don't ever think it'll be. I will tell you now, I never expected to fall this hard for someone in a million years. I thought I would just... Live alone for all my life with my best friend. Then I met that guy.. Don't give up just yet <3 Lot's 'o love, ~ Lizz

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