Chapter 1

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Tzuyu was heading to the cafeteria when Jihoon saw her

"Tzuyu, let's go to the cafeteria together".

"Uhm- Okay~" Tzuyu replied.

They both make their way to the cafeteria and ordered some food

"I'll treat you today since it has been so long since we both ate together".

"Yehey, Thank you Jihoon~"

"Look at you, you look so happy just because I treated you a meal" Jihoon said.

"Hmph! Whatever"

Tzuyu suddenly asked some questions at Jihoon while they were eating

"Why were you so busy this past few days?"

"It's because the Student Council President is always dragging me around"
"She's treating me like her personal assistant" Jihoon added.

"Too bad for you hahahahaha"
"That's what you get for joining the Student Council" Tzuyu said in a teasing tone.

"Joining the Student Council is not that bad though"
"The president may be harsh sometimes but in reality she really have a kind heart" Jihoon added.

"Don't tell me-"

*Jihoon covers Tzuyu's mouth*

"What are you saying? You Idiot!"
"Now the students are staring at me"

"Ah- I'm sorry"
"You really like the Student Council president don't you?"

"Didn't I told you that it's not like that" Jihoon replied.
"Let's go back to our Class Room, class is starting soon"

"Okie~" Tzuyu replied

Tzuyu and Jihoon both make their way back to their own class rooms after eating

Later that afternoon, Tzuyu is still thinking about the question she asked Jihoon

"Tzuyu, let's go to the cafeteria"

"Our classmates said the teacher won't be attending the class" Chaeyoung said.

"Just buy me a drink when you go"
"I have something to do"

"Okay~" Chaeyoung replied.

After Chaeyoung left the room, Tzuyu spent her time thinking about what happened earlier in the cafeteria

"I'm really bothered with the way Jihoon acted earlier"
"I'm pretty sure she likes that president" Tzuyu murmured to herself.
"I need to confess to him. Who knows when he'll grow more closer to that president"

After their classes Tzuyu left the class room early without telling Chaeyoung

"Maybe I'll go home with Jihoon today"

Tzuyu looked for Jihoon inside the Campus

"Jihoon let's go home together" Tzuyu called out to Jihoon from a distance.

"I'm so sorry Tzuyu"
"The student council have a meeting today" Jihoon added

"Eh, that's too bad then"

"Let's go home together tomorrow" Jihoon said.

"Hmph! Okay then, you better remember your promise"

Jihoon waved at Tzuyu while they part ways

The next day after classes. Tzuyu rushed out of the room after their dismissal. She quickly looked for Jihoon

"I can finally go home with Jihoon today" Tzuyu said in an excited tone.

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