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"She's the one" Hunter smirked and pulled my hand and positioned me in the middle of the room. I was officially in between Messer, Cyrus and Hunter. 

In the fifteen minutes I've been here the only thing I've understood is, Blue-eyed monster is Messer and Hazel eyed monster is Cyrus. Cool people though.

"Um.. Mr. Cass, Mr. Cyrus and Mr. Messer, I'm all in for the mystery secret meeting, but I can't contain my doubts because I feel like you're going to kill me, but, really, that's not what I'm worried about. It's you guys" I snapped and they all roared in laughter.

"Why do you think we'd kill you?" They all asked together. Oh my god! It's like they have a sync machine in them.

"Because in the few hours I've been with Hunter, I figured he really doesn't like bodyguards and you guys are supposedly his best friends?" I said and they failed miserably trying to contain their mirth.

"Guys, seriously?" 

"Oh, she speaks normal language, too" Messer said and they all high fived

"Are you serious?" I asked. Oh, it was really getting to me now.

"I don't hate you" Hunter whispered in my ear. His hot breath on my ear.

"Good for me" I muttered, boldly.

"Don't fuck with me, you guys" I snapped.

"Okay okay! Jeez, woman. Relax, we're messing with you" Cyrus said, holding his hands up in mock surrender.

I laughed. Something tells me this is not going to be so bad after all.

"Can you do us a favour?" Messer asked, in a serious tone all of a sudden.

"Sure" I frowned. What can I do for them?

"Can you be our friend and less of a bodyguard to all of us?" He asked and I smiled.

I took a moment to respond.

"Yes, please. But then again, if I have specific order, I need you guys to cooperate please. Because security is really important for me. Deal?" I said and they looked at each other as if in deep conversation and thought. 

"Okay" They agreed. 

"Okay" I agreed and smiled.

"Let's get going then" The three of them said together.

"Where?" I asked, puzzled.

"To work, rogers. We need to work for a living you know" Messer snorted.

"Oh, um yeah. Sorry" I flushed. How stupid!

"Come on then" They said as they lead me out into the car.

"She's into cars, apparantly, Cyrus" Hunter smirked as I started the ignition.

"No kidding" Cyrus snorts. What the hell?

Before I opened my mouth, my phone rang. Oh my god.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Cass. It's an important call" I muttered.

"Hunter, please. Sure" He shrugged.

"Yeah, jeff?" I said into the phone. 

"Trouble" He muttered. My heart beat faster. My scalp prickled. The phone was on speakerphone. With a sideway glance at Hunter, I continued in a calm and cool voice, although I was nothing but calm and cool.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Grandma. She's drunk again and is marching in the house and I think she's bruised and she's screaming grandpa's name" He sighs. Oh, fuck.

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