Chapter 12

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~No one's P.O.V~
Still, unmoving, as if the world had frozen. None dared to make a move. Rain began to trickle from the sky, sensing the battle. Even so, the rain still dripped in slow trickles, making the only noise on the grounds.

They snapped.

Frost danced up the bluenettes arm and formed crystal ice blades at the elbows. It's shimmer allowed cold air to hover around it. His brother, engulfed in searing flames. Flickering ambers danced at his feet, disappearing into the mud. Their eyes alight with fury and blood-thirst, unnerving smiles on their lips. Their opponents stepped back. They had merely scratched the surface of what lay underneath their enemies, yet they were still petrified. Vials clanged together with their contents sloshing about. Quickly, the child's grabbed one filled with a dark-green liquid in and threw it at the ground in front of the brothers. Immediately, a colossal tree sprouted up, blocking their path. They thought they had bought some time. A noise like wind chimes filled the area as the tree was getting covered in ice. From roots to leaves; ice had engulfed the tree. Flaming fists shattered the plant in one blow. Shards flying everywhere. "That all you got?" Rayos taunted smiling.
"Tch." The smaller bluenette smiled, yet he was sweating. A blur of silver and green flew past him, blade in tow. He swung his weapon round over his shoulder, blade aiming for Rayos's skull. All it took for him to dodge, was a simple step. Over and over the blade was swung in vain attempt to hit him. In blind rage, he swung the blade trying to land a deadly blow to the chest. Without hesitation, an icy,porcelain hand shot out, grabbing the wooden part of the weapon. His smile now a malicious grin, theirs eyes locked in battle. He froze the wooden handle before snapping off the end with the blade. Twirling the bladed around his hand, he indulged in Fenrir's look of pure terror. Swallowing his fear, Fen decided to strike with what was left of his handle.
Big mistake.
Flames swallowed up the wood, setting it alight. Out of pain and horror, the green-haired attacker threw the burning timber to the ground. He clutched his hand suppressing a scream. One second later, a powerful kick sent him flying past his friend.
The rain washed over his unconscious form on the muddy ground. Caleb stole two vials from his belt: one full of a white liquid, the other with a thick dark purple substance. He tossed them and the clashed against each other, the concoctions mixing. This resulted in a streak of purple acid bubbles being blown by white winds towards Zak and Rayos. With a stomp of his foot, Rayos sent a huge stream of ice upwards creating an ice wall. Acid bubbles melted on the ice leaving no damage. Zak sent a stream of fire at the acid creating a small inferno. The blast of heat sent Caleb stumbling backwards. In that split second of hesitation Zak blasted forward with his flames and stood before Caleb.
"Admit defeat and make this easier for all of us, will you?"
"Nah, we're not done yet." Caleb sneered, nodding in the direction of the trees. As he did an arrow flew out of the trees. However, an ice shield had emerged from Rayos's back protecting him and stopping the shot. Zak proceeded to throw a fire ball into the trees where the shot had come from. The trees were alight faster than any of them thought it could. In the midst of the fire, a small fight fell out of the branches coughing out the smoke in her lungs.
"You done now? Or are we going to have to start taking lives?" The smile had left his face, replaced with a cold mask. Caleb had paled, all confidence leaving his system. He hung is head in defeat. Rage and hatred fuelling the tears welling in his eyes.
"You win." He hissed. Rayos looked down at him, almost sympathetically. "You're monsters y'know."
"So are you."
"But you're helping dragons. Don't you know what they do?" His tears were flowing freely now. "They invade your mind, break it down piece by piece. Tear away at it little by little, until it rots, you rot. Those monstrosities summon nightmares, poisons, voids: they destroy people." He started chuckling psychotically.Everyone who was watching the scene listened with horror. "Don't you see? They stripped away what was left of me!" He broke out into sinister laughs. It froze everyone on the spot. His voice soft again, so only the brothers could hear. "Although, if you're really dead-set on helping them, watch out for that purple one there." He pointed, wiping a tear from his eye, "That energy beast, they're looking for her. The old one slain and she's the new toy they want to play with." He grinned. Running steps came into earshot before the archer skidded to her knees and hugged the crying boy. She murmured soothing thoughts to him, trying to calm him. A creepy smile still plastered on his face contrasted with the crying eyes he owned. Caleb made no attempt to hug back, just sit limp like a doll. A very broken doll.

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