Chapter 16: Ambush

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                                                  "Well?" Arnold asked himself. The room was dimly light, with the only source of light outside of the room. Arnold slowly walked to one moniter, and looked, on the bottom right hand corner, it read, Access complete.

                                                   "Look! Look see? It worked!" Arnold exclaimed. Everyone but Undyne came closer to him to look.

                                                   "What do you mean it worked? Everything is still off," Undyne complained. She was slowly getting up, but the bruises forced her to stay down.

                                                   "It's probably a glitch with the ciruit breakers, three minutes, the whole entire island will be online," Arnold explained. Ronald turned to him, in confusion of one detail.

                                                   "Where are the breakers?" Ronald asked.

                                                   "Maintenence shed, other side of the island, I'll be back in and out before you know it," Arnold told them.

                                                   "Ok then, but just in case, I want everyone in the emergency bunker, until Mr. Arnold gets back," Hammond ordered.

                                                   "G-got it," Alphys stuttered.


                                                    "So sis, you been doing any hacking recently?" Monster kid asked.

                                                    "For the last time, it's a REQUIRED course, but yes, I have been getting kinda into it," Muffet answered. The four of them were walking past the lucious trees, they waved in the wind, however, they soon realized that something wasn't right. 

                                                    "I've been working with unix code for a few years, I bet I could-" Sans started. Sudenlly, something zoomed past them, the brush moved silently as the creature, slickly, ran around them. Frisk looked horrified, she stood behind Sans, while the two others stood by his side.

                                                    "What the hell was that?!" Muffet screamed.

                                                   "Keep your voice down!" Sans hissed. The creature zoomed past again, but during that period it called out a almost de ja vu sound. It was loud, but light at the same time. The pitch was high, and as the creature zomed past again, Sans could see a greenish red marking.

                                                   "Oh no, a Dilophosaur," Sans whispered.

                                                   "D-don't they s-spit venom?" Muffet stuttered.

                                                   "Yes they do, be on alert, run as fast as you can if they appear," Sans whispered. And almost as if the Dilo heard what he said, it jumped out of the brush, it opened up it's frill. It was orange, red, and green, in a flashing array of colors.

                                                   "Run!" Monster kid shouted. The black ink spat out, as it hit Frisk's shirt, it slowly crawled down, as it left a gooy residue behind. The four of them ran as fast they could, the dilo lowered it frill and called the same call.

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