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~Sometimes it's easier to pretend you don't feel anything than to admit it's killing you on the inside~

Wanda found it odd that Klara hadn't thrown herself into the brunette's arms the second her and Natasha walked into the room after being gone in Hawaii for a week, but she quickly shook it off, assuming she was probably with Steve. Tony had called the day before and told them that they needed to get back to New York and that he would explain when they got there.

Tony walked across the room, stopping in front of the two of them, "She's dead."

Tony's words were quick and harsh causing Wanda to feel as if she had just been punched in the chest. She stumbled back as she shook her head frantically, "No, you're lying! This is some kind of sick joke." Her voice cracked as tears fell from her eyes as she noticed the looks on everyone's faces. She knew just by looking at them that this wasn't a joke and her best friend wasn't going to suddenly run out from nowhere and attack her in a hug that would practically suffocate her.

Natasha was in a state of shock, she couldn't move or even think straight. How could that bubbly blonde from Sokovia just be gone, just like that?

Wanda's knees buckled under her as a strangled cry ripped from her throat. Clint caught her before she could hit the ground, holding her in his arms as she sobbed uncontrollably.


Wanda had been in the shower for so long, but no one dared to bother her. No one dared to bother her, they knew she needed space. She needed to have a moment alone, to process it on her own.

She let the water pour over her as she sat with her arms wrapped around her legs. Wanda never thought she'd feel this way again after Pietro. She thought that maybe in this cruel world, she could at least have her best friend. What was the point in finding her if she was just going to be taken away. It just didn't make sense to her.

Wanda barely noticed when the water went cold. Her teeth chattering alerting her that she should probably get out before she got sick, not that she cared at the moment.

When she got back to her room, Natasha was curled up under the covers with Beauty and the Beast on the TV. She walked around the bed, crawling onto the bed and pulling the covers over her shivering body. Neither of them said anything as Natasha wrapped her arms around Wanda and pulled her closer as they watched the movie.

It didn't take long for Wanda to fall asleep. She was mentally and emotionally exhausted and her dreams were the only place for her to get away from everything, at least for a little while. In her dreams, everything was perfect, no one was gone and she didn't feel so alone, even if she wasn't technically alone at the Avengers Compound.

Over the next few days, it was like something changed in Wanda. She just wasn't Wanda and what worried them the most was the fact that she didn't even seem to care about anything. She didn't want to talk about what had happened and she would turn cold when someone would ask how she was doing. She would always tell them that she was fine and that she didn't want to talk about it.

It wasn't the fact that she didn't want to talk about it that worried them, it was the fact that she had practically turned into the ice queen. They were worried that she would bottle up her emotions so much and that she was going to have a breakdown at some point. Steve seemed to be going in the same direction which could have been part of the reason that they seemed to gravitate towards each other. Neither of them wanted to talk about it so they were together in their own states of grief.

"I don't want to talk about it. Why can't anyone understand that?" Wanda snapped, "I don't even want to think about, so why would I want to talk about it? Talking about it isn't going to change anything. It won't bring her back and it won't make me feel any better. I just want to be left alone for once, is that too much to ask?"

Clint didn't say anything, he just let her get mad. It was better than nothing at this point, at least she was showing some kind of emotion.


Wanda was going to explode if one more person asked her how she was doing. That's all anyone ever wanted to know the past few weeks. She told them she was fine, knowing none of them believed her, but hoping it would get them to leave her alone. It was like no one understood what she meant when she said she didn't want to talk about it.

She really hated it when someone would try to hug her, she didn't need them to hug her, she needed them to back off and stop treating her like she was some sort of sad puppy that needed constant attention.

"Wanda, I know you don't want to talk about it. Trust me, but you can't keep bottling things up. That isn't helping you."

Natasha didn't know what to do, but she couldn't just sit back and watch Wanda crumble. She needed to do something to help her wife, but what was she supposed to do? She couldn't bring Klara back.

"Everyone just keeps dying." Wanda's words were quiet as she sniffled and wiped more tears as they fell, "And there's nothing I can do about it. I don't know what I'd do if you-"

"Baby, I'm not going anywhere." Wanda only seemed to cry harder at the redhead's words, "I will never leave you and I know you don't believe that, but nothing will ever take me away from you and I know it sucks that she's gone and she was always supposed to be here, but that's just what happens.

"It's not fair." Wanda sobbed.

"I know, baby." Natasha told her quietly, frowning as she pulled the sobbing brunette into her arms

Book 3 'Take my Heart' will hopefully be up soon if my slow ass gets going on it. Thanks for reading!

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