10 :- Two Voices One Stone

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Isn't it crazy? In a world full of technology, where we live and we breathe and we don't know when someone bleeds; It's hard to see and hard to hear, through the walls of despair. They cry themselves to sleep and that's something we don't see. The court gives an unfair verdict and that's when we start to loose. Just break the chains of hurting and Stop Sexual Abuse.

Yeah it's hard, I know but soon this lack of justice will grow, and they'll be more beating than speaking and crying than healing and we'll never know when sexual abuse will go. They cut their hands at nights and at days put up a fight with the world around them degrading them dragging them down, can't you see that there's a problem?

No, you see we're all caught up in our own little worlds and our timelines are full of events on that calendar, it's like you're an actor, you like her pictures on Facebook but that don't mean that you're there for, 'no'. You see her everyday she's alone and she's fine with that, you stare at the cuts on her skin but don't give a crap. Your girlfriends they taunt and they tease and you laugh at that, what's up with that? I'm just stating facts; It's almost as if you're immune to that. I guess it takes more than self-infliction to act upon, what we're all waiting on. A change. But let's just sit here and wait , act like nothing's at stake not take the time to remember how beauty is made let's keep being afraid, sit back and luxuriate, shut your eyes and pretend that the world is so consummate. 'Cause fear is the moment you open your eyes and then you realize that standing up won't give you a prize.

You see, I never knew that growing up would come to this, when I was young the world was happy and now it's lacking bliss is what I miss when everyone in the public eye seems pissed, can't believe this, what's the cause of the remix in society. It's 2018 and we're still degrading women, they wear black at the Golden Globe Awards, that wasn't hard it'll leave a mark but don't think it'll make a difference, No.

"Shut your mouth or I'll go to prison" yo. "How about we just leave them alone, we can't fix the universe, so why bother waste precious time of our own. Lock them up in a box and turn their words into moans, hey, lower your tone". Two voices but only one stone.

You think it over, ready to approach her, ready to talk about the hurt that she covers, take your time don't wanna come out the wrong way cause you got a lot to say and she'll never trust you anyway. You're processing your thoughts hope the right things come out butterflies in your stomach clouded with a little doubt, but you're okay, you can do this you can go through this, then your friends show up there's the delay, it doesn't even matter she'll be fine anyway.

 Is she ? Is she really as fine as you think or is it all in your head to make you feel better think better, 'cause you know you don't wanna be a go-getter to go get her. Let's look the other side of this story.

Yeah, Let's take a moment to analyze this monstrosity seems like Sexual Abusers have lost their humanity, tell me what makes you do what you do, cause I ain't got a clue and the world wants to know too. What goes through your head when you lie there and rape her? Strip her of her innocence and take her to break her? What's your perspective? 'Cause we're obviously blind, we hear you say sorry but you're obviously lying. I can't believe that you're wasting your time, opening your mouth when society's gonna chew up and spit you out. For enjoyment, for pleasure, for excitement and treasure. As a hobby, 'cause it's funny to be a rapist to get some money. Overtime, it's a memory that you can't let go and when you say sorry, it won't come through. Society's also at fault you think it doesn't show, you'll know who are the hypocrites when the scene hits their phone. But it seems, like they're the ones with the loudest tone, Two voices but only one stone.

There she is, a human being shattered to pieces, tryna pick herself up but she's broken. Don't know what to do, she's unspoken. Taking her time don't wanna pull the trigger, but no one will miss her, little did she know that someone would miss her. So she pulled trigger anyway and now we're lost for words, we could've ended the delay and make her free from this absurdity but I guess sometimes even I have lost hope for humanity, remember me. As the one who warned you. Take your time to look around you, degrading should be yesterday's story unless you're stupid enough to crave self-glory. Don't turn a blind eye on one another, you're related a sister a brother because rapists aren't the only hurters and tomorrow who knows what'll come over. So many voices no one wants to hear it, so much time no one wants to care it, so much fear but we choose to live in it, talking doesn't even make a difference even if it's in a loud tone, because you can't leave this alone even if it seems like everyone is holding a stone.

By Lashona Campbell


Hey guys, uhh Happy New Year!! I changed my Oral presentation, I presented yesterday and I was soooo nervous...... I messed up. But nevertheless, I hope you guys like it. #muchlove #twovoicesonestone #areyoutheonewithastone?

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