The Herm and the Badboy (Sonadow)

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I was walking out of the bar, drunk as hell, getting help by my best friend knuckles. It was his birthday so me,him,my little bro,Amy, and his girlfriend shade, we all drank, well after my little bro went home so he wouldn't see me under age drinking.

It was 2Am and knuckles was having problems helping me to his car, he was a year younger than me and a inch shorter than me to. But I was a little on the heavy side since I gained some pounds after my old boyfriends death, yeah yeah, I'm gay.

I'm pear out gay, there's no straight in me at all.

My name's sonic by the way, at the moment I'm stumbling over my feet as knuckles drags me into the car. His girlfriend getting mad because she's getting tired from how late it is, knuckles had dropped me witch mad my drunk ass get pissed off and start yelling at knuckles.

Knuckles isn't the type of guy you wanna fight with, first off, his dad was trying to make home be a boxer when he grew up so he had to box a lot,second, he has a temper so he will just whip my ass right up and BRAKE my neck!

It didn't turn out ok either, knuckles gave me a black eye and some bruises on me, he asked the bar owner lady to get some one to come and help me into a bar room they had there for people who were so fucking drunk they can't even get home, I don't remember the rest though.

I woke up seeing some person standing near my bed, it looked like they were treating my bruises or some thing. They had silky jet black fur with some red streaks on them, curved hips, blue skinny jeans with a white croptop on.

When my vision came back and wasn't all blurry I saw who and what the figure really looked like, it was a male, a herm, he had red eyes like a red rose, bangs that cover one of his eyes, a bow in his hair,he was hedgehog by the way, and he looked like he had bruises that were getting covered up with make up.

I touched a area that looked like it was bruised, he flinched and looked in my eyes after he darted back away from me. he looked at me for a minute then walked out of the room, "Mother!Call that red guy and tell him his friend woke up!"The hedgehog yelled to who I'm pursuing his mother.

A white bat walked in the room, she looked like she was 30!But that hedgehog looked like he was 16?

The bat laughed and looked at me, "Your wondering why my child is 16 yet I'm 30?Easy, I had him when I was 14." She said as she lit her cigar.I was little shock but didn't say much as the women walked out the room and her son walked in, "So," he had said, "Whats your name?"

I looked at him and smirked a little,"My name's sonic,who are yo?"I asked him.

"My name's shadow, but my mother calls my shadz", He said.

He's actually kinda cute.

The Herm and the Badboy (Sonadow)Where stories live. Discover now