6. Childhood home----

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Zero was ripped from his thoughts by the front door opening he smiled as the sound of footsteps made their way to him. "Zero" Natalya cheered running over and jumping on his leg. "Where's daddy" he asked but before Natalya could answer Jude appeared in the doorway holding a sleeping Traxton. "Hey"  he whispered. Zero smiled, "hey" he greeted back lowly. "I'm gunna go put Traxton in his room" Jude said turning and disappearing down the hall. After he left Zero and Natalya sat in the living room laughing and joking until Jude came back. "Nat why don't you head upstairs" Zero suggested wanting to talk to Jude alone. Natalya was a little confused but agreed nonetheless. Jude sat on the couch next to his boyfriend "what's up"he asked. Zero sighed looking down at his clasped hands trying to put his words together in his head before speaking. "So I was kinda thinking" he started only to be cut off by Jude's laugh "well that's a stupid idea" he joked which in turn made Zero laugh and punch him in the arm. "Shut up, anyway what I was going to say is I think I'm ready to" he paused before continuing "go there, I'm ready to visit my old house". Jude was silent for a bit before smiling reassuringly and putting his hand his knee. "If your ready we can absolutely go" he answered delighted in the way Zeros face lit up. "Awesome" Zero exclaimed jumping up, Jude's smile slowly faded "wait what about the kids" he asked, he didn't have anyone to watch them. Zero shrugged "they'll come with us" he said. "Are you sure" Jude asked cautiously but Zero just smiled "yes, after all were family" he winked making Jude laugh. "Alright I'll go tell them then" he said heading down the hallway to the stairs. After he left Zero let out a little excited dance. He was a train reck about this but alteast he wouldn't be alone, at least he would have the ones who he loves and loved him back. Soon Jude came back with the kids in tow and motioned to Zero at their confused looks. "He has something he wants to say" he explained. Zero took a breathe, mentally putting this in a way Natalya and Traxton, especially Traxton would understand. "Alright so I was thinking about us taking a trip to my childhood home. The kids were silent for a second before Natalya bursted "cool". Zero let out an internal sigh, happy that the kids didn't push further than that. Jude laughed at his daughters antics and picked up Traxton.  Looking to Zero "if we want to get there before sun down we should probably head out now" he informed and Zero nodded in agreement. "Yah let's go" he said putting his hand on Natalya's back as they followed Jude and Traxton outside to the car. The car ride was mostly silent another thing that made Zero was happy for. Finally after about 2-3 hours they pulled up to the building. Jude turned his head to look at Zero who was staring out the window "you ready" he asked softly. Zero turned to look at him and silently nodded. "Alright guys let's go" Jude announced  The kids both cheered excited. Jude and Zero got out of the car and headed to the back to let the kids out. Jude grabbed Natalya and Zero got Traxton before the four headed up the driveway. Zero put Traxton down and pulled the key from under the the mat before unlocking the door and headed inside. When they entered they all stopped for different reasons. Zero because of the memories this place had, Jude because he was standing inside the building Zero grew up in, the one he only knew so little about but knew this place had caused Zero so many problems growing up. And Natalya and Traxton became wow this place has HUGE. Sighing, Zero turned to the ones who have grown to be his family "here it is". "Kids why don't you go look around more" Jude suggested and knowing better than to question or argue with their father they did. When he was sure they were a safe distance away he turned back to Zero. "What's going on" he asked softly. Zero shook his head barely meeting Jude's eyes "I just" he stopped forming the words in his head. "Being here it's as if everything that happened was just yesterday, you know" he asked."like it doesn't feel like just a memory, I remember everything with exact details from the feelings to the thoughts" he continued, he went on ranting and raving letting everything out for Jude to know. Jude, like the angle he is sat there silently letting Zero go on and on for as long as he wanted. Not even daring to make a noise until he was sure Zero was done. When said man suddenly took a deep breath and stumped down down on the floor, Jude took that as his cue. He slowly sat down next to him and gently rubbed his back. "It's ok" he whispered and repeated that over and over until Zero finally met his eyes. "Thank you Jude for everything" Jude smiled but before he could say anything Traxton and Natalya came running back. "This place is huge" Natalya exclaimed while Traxton continued to stare around in amazement. Zero laughed alittle uneasy "thanks Nat". Natalya, at the young age she is was oblivious to the tension and smiled "welcome Zero" she beamed "come on Trax lets go play in the backyard" she said grabbing her little brothers hand. "Be careful and don't wander off" Jude warned. "We'll be good" Traxton promised before running off with Natalya. Zero watched them run off with a smile before turning back to Jude, his smile dropping only slightly. Jude noticed and grabbed Zero's arm "hey" he said getting his attention back. "Are you really ok" he asked. Zero nodded answering "yah yah just thinking". Jude cocked his head "about what". Zero shook his head "it's nothing" he answered. "You wanna go now" Jude asked getting a nod in return "alright I'll get the kids" he said walking towards the back. Zero sighed and headed out front to wait for Jude, Natalya and Traxton in the car. The three followed soon. When they were driving it was mostly silent. Traxton had fallen asleep, Natalya was playing on Jude's phone and Jude and Zero were sitting in the front not talking. They ended up going back to the Kinkade mansion. "I'll get Trax" Zero whispered. Jude nodded and turned to Natalya "let me have my phone back sweets" he said holding out his hand. Natalya handed it over before hopping out of the car. Zero was leaning against it, holding Traxton waiting for her. When she got out he grabbed her with his free hand and the three headed inside. Jude waited for the door to close behind them before driving off. He had gotten a call from Dom to meet him, Travis and Cassi at the stadium. "Where's Daddy" Natalya asked when she noticed Jude wasn't following them in. "He had to meet your uncles and aunt but he'll be back soon" Zero explained putting Traxton softly on the couch. That answer seemed to be enough for Natalya because she smiled and ran off to go play. Now alone except for the sleeping three year old Zero sat down and rethought about today. Going back to the house was hard but going with Jude and the kids made it alittle easier and made it more special and meaningful. Running a hand through his hair he realized how drained he was. Shifting Traxton slightly Zero laid next to him and closed his eyes to take a nap. Suddenly he was being shaken after what felt like seconds though it was actually hours. "Z wake up" Jude whispered, Zero opened his eyes and saw Jude hovering over him slightly, holding a still sleeping Traxton. When he saw he had Zeros attention Jude motioned with his head "go upstairs get some rest". To tired to argue Zero nodded and stood up, beginning to sway at
first before heading up to Jude's childhood  room. Groaning he flopped down on the bed and closed his eyes immediately drifting back off. He woke up again some time later when he heard the bed creek as Jude got in beside him. "Kids down" he mumbled making Jude nod " yah Trax never woke up surprisingly and I just got Nat to lay down, she had a lot of energy today". Zero nodded flopping his head back against the pillow, still exhausted somehow, it's been a really really long day. Noticing this Jude laughed and rubbed Zero's back before finally laying down to. "How's the stadium" Zero asked, trying to make conversation despite his desire to sleep. "It's ok nothing that bad, just something small that was easily fixed" Jude explained closing his own eyes. Zero hummed ready to sleep himself when the door suddenly slammed open causing Zero and Jude both to bolt up. Standing in the doorway pale as a ghost with wide eyes was Natalya. "Nat what's up" Jude asked as his daughter suddenly bolted to the bed, climbing on top between him and Zero. "I heard something" she exclaimed, shaking slightly. Jude sighed rubbing her back "it's nothing babe, why don't you sleep here with us tonight ok" Jude said making Natalya nod and snuggle down. Jude and Zero sat up despite their own tiredness until Natalya fell asleep to make her feel safer and more better. When her breathing deepened letting them know she was asleep they followed suite.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2017 ⏰

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