Chapter One

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It is written in Were Law

That there will come a time for each heir of royal blood to choose a mate.

Someone to live with, someone to love with, and most of all,

Someone to breed with.

The mate choosen will be honored, taken care of and most of,

Unconditionally, loved.

This is the rule of the kingdom.

This is the law.

Stiles Stilinski sighed as he shined the largest and oldest plaque in the Royal Collectables room. After he was done shining the rest of the decrees, he still had to dust the pictures, sweep the floor and wash the windows. "Stupid chores." He muttered as he moved onto the next one. "I'm the son of the head of Royal Guard, not a palace servant."

"Would you stop complaining?" A voice from behind him spoke up. He turned to see his friend Isaac across the large room, halfway done with his third plague and bright blue eyes glaring at him. "This is all your fault that we're doing this in the first place. 'Oh no, Isaac. No one will care if we track mud through the castle. Our fathers are first and second in command of the guard. What are they gonna do? Give us chores?' And that's exactly what they did. They gave us chores!" Stiles rolled his eyes. So maybe entering the main ballroom completely caked in mud from the forest hadn't been one of his best ideas, but it wasn't like it was the first time he had done. This was just the first time he had been caught because of it.

"Don't know why they went all ballistic about it anyway." Isaac continued. "It was just a bit of mud. And the servants had all of it gone within seconds." Stiles rolled his eyes and shrugged. His father had gone ballistic when he heard, grounding the two boys (even though one wasn't even his son) and putting them on Castle cleaning duty. (even though neither of their families even lived in the main castle. Families of the guard lived in small but cozy cottages a few yards behind it.)

After handing Isaac over to his father, (Stiles noted that the young blonde had looked absolutely terrified even though his father had appeared completely calm) Royal Guard Commander Stilinski lectured his son angrily about how being the older of the two made him the mature/responsible one and that he should be looking after Isaac and not leading him into trouble. Stiles had felt bad then, knowing just how much the 16-year-old looked up to him, even though he himself had just turned 18. Stiles could have told the poor boy to jump into the alligator invested moat and he would have done it without a second thought. Stiles had apologized and promised to do better, and mentally swore that this time he would actually stick to it.

He pulled himself from his thoughts and responded to Isaac just as he moved to start dusting the first portrait. "It's probably because of the mating ceremony coming up." Isaac stopped moving and nodded.

"Right. How does that work exactly?" Stiles looked the other boy up and down.

"Didn't your private tutor explain the whole process to you? It's part of their job that they tell the history of the kingdom, especially something as important as the Mating Ceremony." Isaac shrugged.

"She tried but she was kinda old and I didn't want to discuss it with her. Every time she tried to bring it up, I would ask about something else until eventually I told her I'd ask my dad and she finally let it go."

"So why don't you ask your dad?" Isaac sighed and crossed his arms.

"We're not close like you and your father, Stiles. It's not really something I want to talk to him about." Stiles nodded and sat down on the floor, patting the spot next to him. Isaac quickly (but not too quickly to seem obvious) walked over to sit beside him.

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