are we just frends?

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It was a normal day, birds were singing, the sun was out and kids were playing with thar friends. This day was to perfect for Trajan he had never seen a day so perfect.He didn't know what to do on a day like this but luckily his good friend impact had a few things in mind. Impact was the son of MTT and the Great Papyrus! Trajan was also the son of Uf MTT and the Great And Terrible Oapyrus (Uf Papyrus) as Trajan waited for his friend he thought it'd be nice to think of all the fun things him, Impact and Calibre (Don't know if I spelled that right) did when thay were in the underground. He remembered first meeting them and how excited impact was to have a new frend, ones Cali "forgot" to put his hair up and impact and trajan were both a big Blushing mess "you like what you see?" Cali asked to play around, but that only made the two blush more. Trajan was remembering all the good, happy and funny times they had, He didn't realize Impact was behind him

~Impact prov~
I was behind Trajan, I gues he didn't see me, I thought it wold be fun if I hug attacked him "hello!!" I said as I gave Trajan a hug attack "HOLY S-!" Was all trajan could say because we accidentally fell to the floor to where Trajan hugged me back finally.

~Trajan prov~
Impact hug attacked me and now he was laying on top of me and we were hugging, it was a normal thing Impact did bit it felt. . . Weird as if I wasn't supposed to hug back or something. I just looked at Impact not even realizing I almost cursed but I guess I liked looking in Impacts cute eyes. Wait cute?! But he's my friend I can't be gay for my friend, can I?!

~impact prov~
I notice Trajan looked confused so I asked "Do you want me to get off you?" Trajan nodded his head and blushed a little. When I got off him he was still confused about something? But he did look hot. Wait hot?! No he looked cool not hot! I felt my fase heat up badly "s-so can we g-go now" I asked stuttering "oh uh yeah let's go" Trajan said as was started to walk to cali's house. hope he doesn't tell more puns😣

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