cali why

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~Trajan prov~
Impact and I were soon at cali's house, I knocked on the door and we waited for a bit, but for some reason while we waited Impact decided to rest his head on my shoulder and I could feel my face burning up.

~Impact prov~
We were wating for Cali and I felt a little tired so I put my head on Trajan's shoulder I knew I was blushing a bit but I didn't know why Trajan was blushing so badly "uh you ok Trajan?" I asked but he didn't answer. Soon Cali opened the door and said we can come in if we want so we walked in to Cali's house

~Cali prov~
(bet you didn't see that coming)
I opened the door and was surprised that I saw Impact and Trajan look so cute together "heh you two can come in if you want" I said as they walked in.

We walked to the living room and I had Trajan and Impact sitting next to eachother because I thought them siting next to eachother was rather cute. I decided to tease the two and with a sly smirk I said "hey you two look like a cute couple"
Trajan and Impacts faces were red all over, I tryed not to laugh at them "you ready to go?"  "yeah" they said, at the same time

~time skip to the end of the day~ (I'm too lazzy so don't judge me)

~No one prove~
The sun stared to fall and Calibre had to go home early "See you two later if you're not married by then and off to Hawaii on your honey moon!" Calibre said with a chuckle "Cali."  Impact sighed "why?"  Cali just ran home without a word just giggling. Not even a second later Trajan gets a message from his dad
~the message~

Dad: hey Trajan sorry but you have to stay the night at one of your friends because me and you mother were arguing and I don't want you to have to get in the mix of it.

Trajan: Ha! Good one uncle sans! Father never says "sorry"

Dad: Heh year you got me. Its sans I took your dad's phone so I could tell you that he's having another fight with your mom and I think it might last the entire night kiddo

Trajan: It's ok I'll ask Impact if I can stay the night at his place

Dad: coolio kiddo Hehe
~end of message~

~Trajan prov~
"*sigh* Hey Impact is it cool if I stay the night at your house?" I asked, Impact smiled and said he'll ask his Dad if it's ok first so he got his phone out and called his dad I didn't want to listen so I walked over to a tree and sat under it, I gess I was really tired because as soon as I got comfortable I fell asleep

~Impact prov~
My dad said it was ok if Trajan spent the night "hey Trajan I-" was all I said before I noticed Trajan was asleep "*sigh* I gess I'm the only one that can stay up this late hehe" I said to 'joke' around even if he didn't hear me. I picked up Trajan (bride stile) and start to walk home

~time skip home~(Still Impacts prov)
I was home and uncle sans helped me inside "heh I gess your friend was carried away with puns" uncle sans said as he stared laphing "uhh! Do you always have to make a pun everytime I'm home?" I asked but uncle sans just shrugs and sed I can put Trajan on the couch and go to bed, of course I didn't want Trajan to get worryed when he wakes up so I made him a note (not making the note sorry) and went upstairs and fell asleep

~Sans prov~
As soon as Impact went upstairs papyrus and I noticed Trajan was starting to cry in his sleep we really didn't know what to do at this point but to wipe the terse away (Yes from all 4 eyes) and go to bed hoping he'll feel better in the morning

impact x trajanWhere stories live. Discover now