Levi Lemon

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The throbbing increased staggeringly, sending waves of pain echoing through your brain, making it pound worse with each passing second. You pressed your hand against the red, protruding bruise on your head. A hiss escaped your lips as you remember what caused you to get the injury in the first place. That day, you became the first person in history known to get hit by their own 3-D maneuver upon retraction.

"Hey, Kate! At least if you're on the field, you'll be good to use as a decoy!"

"A moving cadaver!" The trainees teased as they passed by you on their way to the cafeteria. You sighed and dropped down against the wall of the building with a huff. You didn't feel much like eating anyway. The way you were progressing, you didn't deserve to eat.

Bringing your knees to your chest, you buried your head in your arms in order to muffle your soft cries."I should just go home." you told yourself, wiping your flowing tears. You weren't cut out to be a soldier, being the clumsy person you were.

A shadow slowly blanketed you, catching your attention. Slowly, you met the dark eyes of the top student of the generation, Levi. A frown tugged at the corner of your lips, and you stared up at him with sad eyes, studying his dull expression.

"Ow..." Cold overwhelmed your senses, and you hissed in pain as he pressed the icepack roughly against your head, making you wince. The pain slowly ebbed, soon comfort followed. Your chest heaved up and down with each shallow breathe you took, and you could feel his concentrated stare on you. As you watched him, you couldn't help the warm sensation that filled your cheeks, reddening them into a dark blush. "Do you think you could fix me?"

~End Flash Back~

"Why is that coming back to me now?" You pondered silently, watching the brown speck roaming on the ground, the speck you knew to be your horse run farther away. It grew further and further away until all you could focus on was your legs dangling lifelessly under you, and your equipment clinking against your sides.

"Your first expedition outside the wall and you screw up, Kate-- figures. After all that training with Levi, I'm still a lost cause." You smiled bitterly before feeling the warm titan saliva soak through your uniform. "In the end, it's always me who goofs up... I guess I really wasn't cut out to be a soldier."

You stared at the last bit of light that could be seen through the titan's jaws. The sun seemed so different outside the wall, and you were glad you had a chance to see it before it was locked away. Despite being swallowed, no scream left your mouth as the titan clamped his large jaws shut, locking you in his mouth. Closing your eyes, you accepted your faith as you neared his throat.

Suddenly, the rushing sensation of gravity came in, and you felt as though you were falling. Light reappeared as the "ride" came to a crashing stop, and you could feel the warmth of grass between your fingers followed by a rush of heat overtook you as steam filled your vision, making you realize that someone had slain the monster and that you were still trapped inside the titans jaws.

"It's so hot..." you whimpered, trying to avoid having your skin burned by the dissolving flesh.

"It would have been a cleaner cut, if you had just stayed still."

Your eyes widened from the voice, one that you knew so well. "Levi...?" you coughed hoarsely, "Levi, please, see me. Please, get me out of here." You thought, trying to call out to the cadet on the other side. You could hear footsteps shuffle from the outside, almost as if they were getting farther away, taking your hopes with them.

Just as you thought you were going to be abandoned by the rest of the brigade, left in the wilderness and without a horse. You felt a hand grasp the back of your uniform and the head of the titan being knocked from above you. Non too gently, you were pulled out from under the behemoth and into the arms

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2015 ⏰

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