Undress Rehearsal

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"Silky brown hair, captivating hazel eyes, soft lips revealing a bunny smile, and most importantly, a muscular body."
Just a description of Jeon Jungkook made girls weak at the knees, and the boy knew that.
He smiled as he heard the TV describe himself minutes before he went on stage again.
You see, Jungkook is on tour currently, selling out arenas where ever he goes.
He's a trending solo artist, his singing and dancing make people everywhere crazy.
He's currently alone in his dressing room waiting for his stylist to bring him his clothing.
He checked himself out in the mirror and smiled.
Touring makes him happy.
He was shot out of his thoughts when he heard a small knock on the door.
"Come in," he said looking at the door.
A smaller boy walked in the door holding a few hangers in his hand.
He was wearing black jeans that literally hugged his thighs and a white t-shirt that showed off his abs and his jet black hair.
He looked up at Jungkook and smiled shyly.
"Here are your clothes," he said quietly.
"Thanks," Jungkook said showing a little smile.
Jimin broke the eye contact and hung the clothes up onto the wall hanger.
The thing is, Jimin has had feelings for Jungkook since the first day he started to work for him.
Jungkook is this beautiful and confident human being that is getting somewhere in his life when Jimin feels lost in his life.
Jimin feels, no, he knows that there's no way he has any chance with Jungkook.
Jungkook sees the way Jimin looks at him, it's just like how any other girl looks at him.
But Jimin is different.
It just, feels different to him.
Probably because he's a boy and Jungkook is used to girls falling all over him.
A girl walked into the room making both boys fall out of their own thoughts.
"Kook, call time is in 10," she said smiling at Jungkook.
"Thanks Aniya," he said sliding on his black button up shirt.
"Hey Jiminie~" she said waving to the smaller boy.
"Hi Noona," he said to the girl waving back.
"You look amazing as ever," she said winking at Jimin.
"O-oh, uh, thank you," he said back before turning back towards the wall to hide his blushing face.
"Aniya, please leave us be. I need to get dressed," Jungkook said annoyed at the girl.
"Fine, fine," she said, "Bye oppa~"
She closed the door and Jimin faced palmed himself.
"You good?"
Jimin looked up to see Jungkook unbuttoning his black skinny jeans to put on his dress clothes.
His face became even more red at the sight of his crush. He's still not used to it no matter how many times he's seen it.
"F-fine," he said cursing himself for stuttering.
"Girls will be girls," Jungkook said buttoning up his new pants once again, "You gotta just take their compliments without thinking too much into it."
"Yeah, you're correct," Jimin said with a sigh.
"And she's not wrong," Jungkook said putting his red jacket over his shirt, "You really do dress to impress. No wonder you're a stylist."
"Thank you," he said smiling, "It's nice to know I'm good at what I do. You are too."
Jungkook smirked, checking himself out one more time in the mirror.
"That's not all I'm good at, but thanks," Jungkook said making his way to the door, "I got to go."
He closed the door behind him leaving a blushing Jimin with his not so innocent thoughts.
After at least 10 minutes of trying to calm himself down, if you know what I mean, he decided to go watch the boy perform.
He would always stand backstage to watch him dance and sing, no matter where they were or when it was.
His voice was so mesmerizing and his dances were always erotic.
Jimin knew most of his songs and dances by heart, secretly of course.
It would be embarrassing if Jungkook knew Jimin loved what he did.
An hour passed and Jungkook finally took his bow on stage, saying goodbye to many fans who came to see him.
He made his way backstage, saying thank you to everyone who congratulated him and bowing his head at many others.
When he saw Jimin, he noticed Aniya talking to him as she stood a little too close to the boy.
Jungkook smiled and walked up to them, grabbing Jimin's hand and pulling Jimin along with himself.
Jungkook's pace quickened as he pulled the older boy down the hallway.
Jimin looked back at the crowd of people behind them and then up at Jungkook.
"Jungkook where are we-"
"Hyung, don't speak," Jungkook said without looking back at Jimin.
Jimin nodded as the pair reached the door to Jungkook's dressing room.
Jungkook opened the door for Jimin and gestured for the boy to enter.
Jimin did as he was instructed, walking into the room.
Jimin heard the click of the door being locked when he turned around to find Jungkook right behind him.
Jungkook grabbed his hands and pinned them above the older's head.
Jimin was shocked, the look on his face clearly displaying that.
"Jungkook what-" Jimin started but was then cut off.
"Such soft lips," Jungkook whispered while running his thumb over Jimin's bottom lip.
He kissed his cheek and down to his neck, sucking on some places.
Jimin's hand found its way to the back of Jungkook's neck as he tugged lightly on his soft hair.
"Kookie, ah, n-not here," the boy managed to get out.
"Then *kiss* where?" he asked continuing his work of art.
"W-what if someone hears or sees us or-"
"Jimin, look at me," Jungkook commanded.
Jimin listened to the boy and made eye contact with him, their faces being centimeters apart.
He held his breath.
"No one needs to know what's going on behind this door. Anyways, it's not too unnatural for you to follow me into my dressing room after a performance. Plus, the walls are sound proof, it is a concert hall after all," Jungkook said to Jimin.
"Yes but you've also never dragged me in here with you. You've never dragged me anywhere before, actually," Jimin said fighting back at the boy.
If he was going to give himself all to Jungkook, then he needs to know Jungkook means what he's doing and not just doing it because he's horny.
"Well today is different," Jungkook told him.
To be honest, Jungkook was completely jealous of Aniya.
She drove him crazy because of how close she'd get to Jimin.
He wished it was him and not her.
"Why is that?" Jimin said, "What makes today different?"
"Do you want me to do this or not?" Jungkook spoke.
He was starting to get a little annoyed at Jimin.
Aish, this boy asks too many questions.
Jungkook made their foreheads make contact, their noses touching as well.
All the walls of confidence and strength Jimin attempted to put up against the boy suddenly fell, he now knew how in control Jungkook was of this situation.
"Answer my question," Jungkook said sternly, not breaking eye contact between both of them.
"I-I," Jimin stuttered.
"Hm?" Jungkook asked bringing his leg up in between Jimin's.
"Y-Yes, I do," Jimin said looking away at the boy, "For a l-long time I've wanted it, a-actually."
That was all Jungkook needed to hear. Jungkook suddenly brought his lips to softly make contact with Jimin's.
By now, both of Jimin's hands found their way to the back of Jungkook's neck holding himself into place.
Jungkook's lips were addicting, Jimin had guessed that off from the start, but he had no idea he'd be tasting them any time in the future.
Jungkook tasted of mint while Jimin tasted of a softer strawberry.
Jimin made the kiss sweet, being his first and him being himself.
Jungkook's tongue poked at Jimin's lower lip, and the older gladly let him in.
There wasn't any point in Jimin trying to fight for dominance, he knew he wouldn't win.
And he didn't mind seeing what Jungkook was capable of.
Jungkook sucked the tongue of the older as he explored every corner of Jimin's mouth.
Jungkook brought his leg that was in between Jimin's higher, putting pressure on his crotch.
This was too much, Jimin couldn't hold back his voice anymore.
He let out a soft moan, sighing into the kiss.
Jungkook's lips found their way back to the boy's neck, continuing what he had started.
During this, he had brought Jimin's legs up around him, making them closer, if that even was possible anymore.
Continuing, he walked him over to the desk that was used for makeup.
He sat Jimin down while continuing.
Jungkook broke away from Jimin, both of them panting.
Jungkook leaned his face in closer to Jimin's ear.
"Let's play a game," Jungkook whispered.
Jimin shivered.
"W-what kind of game?" He shuddered.
Jungkook's voice dropped.
"So, you dress me for a living. It's what you do," he started, "But what if you undress me?"
Jimin's eyes became wider.
"Like, t-take your clothes o-off?" he stuttered out.
"It's like a dress rehearsal, but the exact opposite," Jungkook said, "An undress rehearsal, we can call it that."
"Like your song?" Jimin asked, tilting his head a little.
"Mhm," Jungkook said walking between the boy's legs and wrapping his arms around the Jimin's waist, "I'll do the same."
Jimin didn't waste a moment and suddenly grabbed Jungkook's shirt collar, bringing his face level with his.
He began to undo the top buttons of Jungkook's dress shirt, his small hands working as fast as possible.
"Jimin-ah, what do you like about me?" The curious maknae asked the older boy.
"A lot of things," Jimin said continuing to unbutton the boy's shirt.
"Like what?" Jungkook asked.
Jungkook slid off his suit jacket and let it drop onto the floor.
"I envy your confidence and how you're so good at everything. It honestly drives me crazy," Jimin explained.
Jungkook started to undo Jimin's belt and Jimin continued with his shirt, revealing more of his chest.
"You're a great singer, incredible dancer, and your looks could literally kill. I'm pretty sure they have."
Jungkook slid Jimin's jeans off as Jimin practically ripped Jungkook's shirt off.
"And I really haven't been able to grow closer to you as a friend, but I've worked for you long enough that it feels like we're closer than we actually are."
Jimin reached for Jungkook's belt and undid it as Kookie slid his hands under Jimin's shirt.
"But you treat people nicely and are grateful for what you're given. You've got a killer personality and you're so nice to people. You've worked hard to get where you are."
Jungkook's dress pants were slid off and Jimin let Jungkook pull his shirt up.
Jimin pressed their foreheads together.
"Every single thing about you drives me crazy and I absolutely love it," Jimin said holding their eye contact, "And I was so scared you'd never return those feelings."
Jimin's eyes were filled with love and lust just looking at the younger male in front of him.
"God, Jeon Jungkook you don't know how long I've wanted this for," Jimin said smiling.
Jungkook smiled, wrapping his arms around the older boy's waist again.
"I get jealous when girls talk or compliment you," Jungkook said, "I agree, but we are closer than it feels. And I really don't think I deserve someone as lovely and caring and amazing as you. But I'm so glad to hear your confession and to tell you that the feelings are mutual. Jimin-ah, I like you too. A lot."
Jimin didn't say anymore, he just cupped Jungkook's face and pressed their lips together.
Jimin smiled into the kiss as Jungkook began to respond.
The kiss was light and fluffy, no tongue, just lips.
Until Jungkook began to become in control.
He poked Jimin's lip again and the boy opened gladly for him.
The kiss became more heated as Jungkook explored the entirety of Jimin's mouth again.
It was his new interest.
Jimin was his new interest.
Jungkook removed one hand from Jimin's waist and grabbed his crotch, letting the other slip back onto his ass.
He clenched his hand that was on Jimin's crotch, breaking the kiss and kissing Jimin's neck again.
Jimin's legs wrapped around Jungkook's waist and his hands found their way back to his neck.
Jungkook continued to go lower on the boy, making Jimin tug on his hair harder.
Jungkook sucked on his nipple as he rubbed the other one, making it hard.
Jimin's moans and wines echoed throughout the room, high pitched as it became harder to breathe.
Jungkook gave both the same treatment as his thumbs made circles on Jimin's abs.
He let go of Jimin and started to pull his boxers off, leaving the older exposed to him.
He bent down on both his knees and spread Jimin's legs apart.
He began to kiss his inner thighs making direct eye contact with Jimin as he did so.
Jimin's right hand was now on the top of Jungkook's head, gripping his hair as if his life depended on it, which it kind of did.
His left hand was supporting him, if not he would be a mess.
Jungkook licked his tip making Jimin shiver, his mouth slightly open.
Suddenly Jungkook took him all in, making Jimin's back arch.
At this point, Jimin was unable to respond properly, he just kept saying Jungkook's name over and over again, mixed with his moans.
"A-ah, Jungkook, mm!" Jimin pulled harder on his hair, making the younger hum against his dick.
And with that, Jimin came right in his mouth.
Jungkook hummed again as he swallowed. Then he let go with a pop and stood back up.
"H-How did you learn...all this?" Jimin managed to get out between pants.
"You think this is my first time?" Jungkook asked helping the boy get down off of the desk.
"Maybe," Jimin said standing again, "Maybe with a boy?"
"Eheh," Jungkook chuckled in a low voice making Jimin internally freak out, "I know other artists that are boys Jimin, artists tend to get together."
"A-ah, r-right..." Jimin said a little disappointed that he wouldn't be Jungkook's first.
"But I plan on making tonight my best," he said smiling at the older, "Let's continue."
He turned Jimin around forcefully and pushed his back down onto the desk in front of him.
He reached into a drawer next to him and pulled out a red ribbon, tying Jimin's hands onto his back.
"Jungko-" Jimin began.
"Shh, you'll be okay," Jungkook whispered into his ear and kissing his cheek.
Jungkook then grabbed a small bottle out of the same drawer and set it down next to them.
He poured some of the substance in the bottle onto his hand and then inserted a finger into Jimin.
Jimin moaned at the new feeling, it hurt but also kinda felt good.
Kook thrusted harder and harder, adding another finger to make sure Jimin would get used to it.
Four fingers were now inside of Jimin, Jungkook finally settled for a constant pace.
Jimin's noises still echoed throughout the room, his voice was hoarse now from him almost yelling from pleasure.
Jungkook was leaving hickeys as he kissed Jimin's back, exploring all around his body.
He removed his fingers from Jimin, making the older boy moan and groan at the same time from the lack of contact.
Jungkook wiped his hand on his boxers and began to remove them.
When he was fully undressed, Jimin could see him in the mirror in front of him.
If he thought he looked good in the clothes he wore, it was nothing compared to Jungkook without his clothes on.
Jimin's jaw dropped as he saw his length.
Jungkook smirked and chuckled, making Jimin's cheeks hotter then they already were.
"Like what you see?" Jungkook asked standing behind the boy and grabbing both of his ass cheeks.
"T-that's not gonna fit in me..." Jimin said looking back at the older boy, his cheeks red like a tomato.
"You're funny," Jungkook said, "Just wait."
Jungkook poured some of the lube onto his dick and positioned himself in front of Jimin's entrance.
"I promise I'll be gentle, but as soon as you start begging for more, I don't think I'll be able to control myself," Jungkook said looking at the boy.
"Please Jungkook, give me what I've wanted for so long," Jimin pleaded looking back through the mirror at Jungkook.
Jungkook nodded, and slowly pushed into the older.
Jimin felt like he was melting on the desk as Jungkook continued to push into him.
Once he leveled out, Jimin had a thin layer of sweat laid over his body.
"Everything's in," Jungkook said smiling.
"M-move p-please," Jimin just needed him to begin moving, he thought the pain would leave if so.
Jungkook slowly pulled out and then rammed himself back into Jimin.
Jimin's whole back arched up and his hair lifted off of his face.
Jungkook smirked as he began to thrust harder, making Jimin make more noises.
Jimin's pain turned into pleasure as Kookie filled up every corner of him.
He felt so full and hot as Jungkook's pace became so inhumanly fast.
Groans and moans now echoed through the large room, filled with the sound of skin hitting skin.
"H-harder plea- AH!" Jimin basically yelled as Jungkook hit his prostate.
"Found it," Jungkook said abusing Jimin's sweet spot.
Minutes past before Jungkook pulled out of the boy, making Jimin moan loudly.
Jungkook walked away from him and grabbed a chair from the corner of the room and set it down near the middle of the room.
Jungkook helped the boy up and walked him over to the chair.
Jungkook sat down and patted his thighs.
"Sit," Jungkook commanded, "You're gonna ride me."
Jimin nodded, not even questioning it for a second.
He lowered his ass onto Jungkook's shaft, burying his face into the older neck as he did.
Jungkook began to thrust his hips up into Jimin, making the older bring his head out from Jungkook's neck and throwing it back in pleasure.
"S-so good~" Jimin's high voice moaned.
Jimin began to grind his hips down onto Jungkook's, creating more friction between them and bringing them closer together.
Jungkook's arms snaked around Jimin's waist and he untied the ribbon from Jimin's hands allowing him to have a little freedom.
They immediately found their way back to his hair.
Jimin kissed Jungkook, even though he could barely breathe, he needed his lips on Jungkook's.
He broke away when Jungkook found his prostate again, making a loud noise before coming all over Kookie's chest.
"Hah, hah, mm~" he moaned as Kookie thrusted a few more times before coming as well.
He rode it out with Jimin on top of him, feeling extremely filled with Jungkook's seed inside of him.
Jungkook pulled out and Jimin laid on his chest, evening out their breaths.
Jimin lifted himself off of Jungkook and pressed their foreheads together.
"That was hot," Jungkook said still panting.
"Y-yeah," Jimin said shyly.
"You're so beautiful and I couldn't ask for someone better in my life," Jungkook whispered to the boy as he caressed his cheek.
Jimin smiled and softly kissed Jungkook's lips.
Jungkook slowly pulled away and smiled at the older.
"Come home with me tonight?" Jungkook asked cutely.
"You're going to have to carry me to the car," Jimin said laughing and smiling at the cute bunny in front of him, "But of course
I will."
Jungkook hugged the older tightly, their hot bodies sticking together.
"I love you Park Jimin," he said.
"And I love you, Jeon Jungkook," Jimin said kissing the top of Kookie's head, "More than you know."

Thank you for reading ! I love you all, make sure to check out my other stories too! A Jikook one is coming later in the future, I hope you'll read it! 💕💕💕💕 Sorry for typos, it's very late at night~

Follow me on twitter~ @holdmyhearteu


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