Chapter 2: This Isn't Ente Isle

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-Satan(Devil is a Part-Timer) P.O.V-

I NEED to get out of Tokyo. Amelia has been a pain in my ass for far too long. She thinks she can just boss me around. I need to get back to Ente Isle. I mean Lucifer just sits around all day, Alciel needs a new hobby, Susuno is anoying as shit, and I want to start a MgRonalds in Ente Isle they are missing out.

"Lord Satan I think I found a way to get our powers back to go back to Ente Isle!" Yelled my friend Alciel.

"What? What how can we get back to Ente Isle?!?!" I practically yelled.

"We can go to horror movies and within 5 we should have enough power to teleport!" Said Alciel, "But, we only get one chance to do so, so make sure we do it right. We could end up in any number of dimensions."

-Time Skip-

We arrived at the movie theater and bought 5 tickets for five different movies back to back. But, we found out that The Hero Amelia followed and bought the same tickets.

"She is going to figure it out Lord Satan. What shall we do?" Whispered Alciel.

"Figure what out?" We slowly turned around and saw The Hero Amelia.

"N-N-Nothing The Hero Amelia! We aren't planning nothing we just wanna watch horror movies!!" Alciel yelled and the whole movie theater was looking at him.

"Okay. But, I'm sitting next to you guys to make sure you don't try anything funny," Amelia sat right next to us.

-Time Skip to 5th movie-

"Why did u wanna see scary movies?" Amelia asked.

"Because we are go-" I covered Alciel's mouth before he could finish and said "enjoy the movies. Gonna enjoy the movies!" I could already feel the magic coursing through my veins. After this last movie I'm sure I'm gonna be in my true form and teleport.

"Uh huh" said The Hero Emelia. I hope she bought it. There are about 20 minutes left in the movie. I just need 30 seconds after I transform of Amelia NOT attacking me so I can open the portal and go. I CANT get distracted or it will all go south and we won't end up in Ente Isle.

-20 minutes later-

The movie ended and people filed out.

"Why are we still in here?" Asked Amelia.

"We are waiting for everyone to leave" I said getting up.

"But why?" I swear she asks TOO many questions!

"Because it's polite The Hero Amelia," said Alciel standing up with me, "After you The Hero Amelia. We shall not leave till u do and we shall stay and pick up our mess."

"Thanks?" We waited till she left and went into our true forms and started forming the portal.

"I KNEW IT!!" I turned around to see a fuming The Hero Amelia standing there, "I KNEW YOU WERE UP TO NO GOOD!!!! PREPARE TO DIE LORD SATAN RULER OF DEMONS!! I HAVE GIVEN YOU TOO MANY CHANCES!!!"

"Quick Alciel! Distract her so I can open the portal!!" I said continuing to open it.

"Yes Lord Satan" he said as Amelia drew her sword. I swear if she screws this up it's gonna take forever to get enough magic to open another one of these.

I was almost done when something hit the back of my head and the portal finished opening. Aw screw take a chance. "Jump through NOW!!"

Alciel jumped then I did. The Hero Amelia wasn't fast enough to follow.

We went through the portal and tumbled onto someone.

"Lord Satan!! Are you ok? I am so sorry my ingnorance harmed you! I need to die!" I swore Alciel spoke too much.

"Calm down Alciel I'm fine. I'm just hoping The Hero Amelia doesn't follow us here. I mean that would suck" and it still sucks cause we aren't in Ente Isle. All of a sudden the kid beneath us started yelling. We both jumped up. All I got was Satan wasn't a human, he was the son of Satan, and Satan was in Gahenna and he burst into blue flames when he drew his sword. But, that's impossible cause I was right in front of him. I am Lord Satan.

"Rin what the hell is happening in here? Who are these people?" All of a sudden there was another person. How many people are here?

Well I'm Alciel and this is Lord Satan. We are here fleeing from The Hero Amelia" said Alciel bowing. I swear he over reacts.

"What do you mean Satan isn't a human? And that Satan is in Gahenna and he's your father? I have no recondition of having a son?" I think this kid might be on drugs.

All of a sudden the kid who just arrived started laughing. "Y-You think your S-Satan? Hehehehehe this is the funniest thing EVER!!" I just wanted to punch these people in their faces.

"Why when you draw your sword you light up into blue flames?" Alciel asked. I was wondering the same thing. But, one thing was for sure. This ISN'T Ente Isle.

Crossover: The Devil is a Part-timer and Blue ExorcistWhere stories live. Discover now