• chapter 23 •

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| author pov

An hour more,  Jaebum and Mark told themselves. The bus came to a halt since some of the students need to use the toilet.

Jaebum and Mark immediately separate themselves, leaving the bus since they have been sitting between two annoying girls since the bus ride.

"It has been a ride," Jaebum said as he escapes from the two annoying girls. Bambam pat his back, pitying him and Mark.

"But we are going to sit with them later and suffer again for the next hour," Mark said.

"Oh shit."

"I know the perfect plan." Said Jinyoung, pushing his glasses up. "What is hyung?" Yugyeom asks curiously. "Come closer." He signal.

Sooyoung and the rest came closer to Jinyoung as they listen to his plan. The rest slowly smile as Jinyoung continues to say his plan.

"Come on, we need to hurry!!" Ms. Park shouted. The students quickly rush towards the bus. Mark and Jaebum were the fastest to reach the bus and sat in their original seat. Sooyoung sat in between of both of them with Yugyeom on one side and Bambam the other side.

This moment, Minji and Yebin came back with bags of snack. They have yet to notice the seat that both sat previously was taken.

"What the hell?! Why are you in my seat?" Question Minji. "Um... I want to sit here, I don't think you need to know why." Sooyoung said.

Minji glared at her, "get your butt off here." Minji said to Yugyeom who doesn't care about her. "You too." Yebin point to Bambam.

"Nope." Said bambam stick his tongue out at her.

"Both of you! Go and fund a seat. The bus is moving soon." Ms. Park scolded them. In the end, Yebin and Minji have no other choice but to sit with other students.

"I am not going to sit with him!" Both Minji and Yebin shouted, making all the other students look at them.

Jinyoung laugh softly as he witnesses both Yebin and Minji to sit with Nat and Mingyu who the only bath once in a while and at the same time, both of them had a crush on them.

The boys and two girls gave Jinyoung a thumbs up as Jinyoung laugh.

Before Yebin and Minji came back, Jinyoung quickly went to ask Nat's and Mingyu's seat partner to sit at other place and told both of them that they will sit with Yebin and Minji. Luckily both of them agreed, with a tint blush on their face.

Sooyoung laughs as she spotted Minji and Yebin both pinch their nose as they sat far away from them. "I pity them. Nat and Mingyu don't bathe often." She said.

Jaebum looks at her and said, "they should feel the pain Mark and I had for the past hours, although I do feel bad for Nat and Mingyu."

Mark agreed with Jaebum.

"Let's see their reaction later." Jinyoung smirk.


"Oh my God!!"

Yebin and Minji were the first one to run out of the bus after the bus stops.

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