Chapter One: Shots in the dark

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Mark P.O.V.:

I was lying in my bed, just finished editing my second video for that day thinking the world was fine until someone shot in the old tree in my garden. I know I live on a hill out of town with only two neighbors, with one of them on Hawaii. Why the hell should somebody hate my tree so much, that they would shot it? It doesn't make any sense... Anyhow since I'm far form town nobody heard the shot except for me... Since I'm not completely naive, I grab my gun (legally bought before anybody askes) before I take a step on my balcony. ,, Hey why the fuck are you shooting my tree? What has it done to upset you so much?", I yell. My neighbour Frank with his shotgun standing in his garden looking slightly embarrassed: ,, Sorry 'bout your tree Mark... I was shooting at my cat..." ,, Your shooting your cat??? WTF?!" WOW That's just maddeningly unhelpful... I get even more confused. ,,Well it was not listening so I had to make myself clear in another way..." ,,Still you can't just shoot it!!!" I was mentally somewhere between confused, discussed and mad. ,,Yeah your right I overreacted... But that brat Is getting on my last nerve!" ,, Listen I've known you for almost 7 years now, I'm going to get your cat, but next time something like this happens I call the police! Got It?" ,,Yes of course sorry again" So I went down still not really getting why somebody would shoot a cat. But Frank is... How do say this... Peculiar... he sometimes does strange things. Harry and I (other neighbor on vacation) got used to it and stopped questioning. But this is weird even for him. Never mind. Probably just like he says an overreaction. We all do stupid things while we're angry and regret them later. Though I think his cat is never going to trust him again. Downstairs I put on my shoes and get out on the wet grass. It happed to rain the other day. But sun never came out so the grass never dried. Frank has gotten inside to put his shotgun away. he really seems to regret it so it was probably nothing. As I went to my old oak I wonder why I never had it cut down. Well at my childhood home we had one so I guess It's like having a piece of home here. Anyway, I reach the Tree and could make out a dark figure heavily shaking. ,, Boy that shoot scared the shit out of her." I call over at Frank who has returned unarmed  ,, It's actually a 'him'" ,,Oh my bad... Won't you come down Kitty cat?" I just happened to remember my exportable money video in which I also call the cat 'kitty cat'. After what seemed like forever and three days I convinced the poor creature to jump down. I nearly fainted as I saw a guy around 25 (I know he's older...) With a black tail and cat ears like his hair which by the way could also be yellow I don't know it's fucking dark already. I could make out a tip of green in his hair though. What upsets me the most anyhow was that he was freaking terrified not just scared. He looked like I just cut of his hand and let him watch. ,, What- Why- w- Hu?" I finally stuttered. ,,You said you owned a cat! This is as far as I can tell a human! Have I missed something?" I tried to sound polite but I ended up yelling in rage. ,, Hehe you see Mark this is Jack he's a Neko. He's Half-half." ,,You mean you own a Neko?... A Half-Human Half-Cat Creature... like those who are strictly forbidden to keep excepted you're their mate?" Ok I have seen him do strange things but THIS is getting out of hand. ,, Jesus Christ, Mark calm down I would NEVER do ANYTHING to any kind of living creature. Of course, I'm his mate!" ,,Well you do weird stuff but you're not somebody to break the law... I guess I believe you." He looks pleased with himself. I go and grab Jack by his upper arms and lift him over the fence as he shrikes and begs me to not give him back. ,, Quite a whiny one isn't he?" I ask with a fake smile. Frank nods relieved because he doesn't need to explain the Nekos strange behaviour. We say good-night to each other and he dragges the still screaming Jack inside. I run inside and call the police. I don't believe a word he said... He's forcing him to stay! A mate would never shoot another mate. I haven't even mentioned the cuts and bruises over the younger once face jet!!! I couldn't just look away. I played my rage of and took the only chance I saw to get the both of use out save. I hate myself for returning him. ,, Hello what can I help you with?" ,, Hi My name is Mark Fischbach I live on the 'Stormy Hill' my neighbour is keeping a Neko and I don't think he likes it there very much..." ,,I see let me check ... No he's not registered I'll send someone immediately " ,, Thank you" I knew it! ,, Thank YOU Sir. Most people would mind their own business. We're grateful for everybody who helps use deal with people like your neighbour. Those people disgust me." ,,Yeah me too! Who does something like that?" ,,I Know right!" We talked till the police arrived. I told them which house it is and to keep quiet. Next thing I knew I saw parts of frank I never wanted to see... Oh Shit that picture is going to stay in my memory for a while. I found out later that he was about to 'punish' him it had to go quick so that Frank wouldn't take Jack as a hostage. He was yelling and kicking so they were forced to knock him out. They pulled up his pants and drove him away. I was told he would visit a therapist to check him up and then either go to jail or in a mental hospital. I was starting to get worried about jack though. he hadn't showed up at all... Then after half an hour of refusing to leave my spot. A female police officer walked him out in a bathrobe. he looked even more terrified then earlier... He looked down sobbing and crying, the officer trying to calm him down without success. I slowly walked over to him hoping he would not be afraid of me.

Jacks P.O.V.:

I had no idea what was going on. one moment some people just stormed in ripping master off me and next thing I knew thy told me to go outside. I'm scared and confused. The woman carried me outside as soon as she got me a Bathrobe. I never wore something like it before. In fact, I don't even know when i had worn clothes AT ALL. But I had bigger- WAY bigger problems to deal with. Where is master? Do I even have a master? He was mean sure but still my master... Where are, they taking me? will they hurt me? What's going on? I look to the right and see the human that returned me to master. Oh, no he's bad that's for sure... Nobody who deals with master is a good person that's how I got it... Why won't my mate come and help me? I'm a Neko without a Mate! Therefore, I'm nothing. Master promised me to show me my mate. It's been years ever since. I don't think He was ever going to show him to me... Oh the female is talking ,, Listen here Jack was it? Your 'Master' was a bad person, who did not care for you OK? We'll make sure you'll never have to see him again... I see you spotted mark already-",, Who?" I don't know why but she had my full attention. I even stopped shaking. ,,Well that guy over there, he was the one who called us over." ,,What!?" ,,Yeah he said that he doubted that that bastard was much of a mate to you so he wanted to make sure and... here we are" ,, ... So, he... saved me?" ,,Pretty much yeah" Oh... Still I've been tricked into making and thinking stuff so many times, I don't think I can ever trust anybody ever again.

Marks P.O.V.:

I watched Jack and the officer talk for a while now and decided to go to talk to anther cop about what will happening with the poor little Neko. Not only little but light as well. I lifted him so I can tell. As I walked next to jack and the officer something weird happened. I suddenly felt the huge and I mean HUGE need to hold Jack close and at the same time, it needed a lot of self-control not to slice the females throat. What the fuck is happening. To make it even weirder jack suddenly looked at me like he felt something as well. Ok I'm confused. We starred a couple of seconds before my desire was not able to keep in any longer. ,, HEY! HOW DARE YOU?! BACK OF HE'S MINE" And I pretty much roared. Inside I was kind of scared of myself. But all I was showing was rage. The officer backed away slowly, getting faster the farther she was away. I looked worried at jack, who all of sudden hugged me. I wouldn't have believed it, if I haven't seen it with my own eyes. Jack was SMILING??? He cuddled into me more and said, ,, Mate!"

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