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       Little Phoenix is 18 .but unlike the other male wolves in his pack he's tiny ,feminine and has  long white hair with natural blue highlights that goes to his waist  he has big innocent silver eyes and a soft baby face,he's an omega worthless an embarrassment a loner not wanted or so he thinks....

Ashton the darkest ,merciless,cold hearted,vampire to exist he kills for fun he's dead inside he also the most powerful vamp,he is a dark mystery ,that no ones has the courage to explore he uses his charms to pull in his victims,he's like the devil himself but something unexpected happens.......,

Malick is your fiercest boldest,strongest meanest dragon in his kingdom after a tragedy nobody has seen a bright side to him some fear some worship and some don't survive, nobody has guts to out speak him  are go head on with Him he feeds off of fear but he they say one thing can change his ways and that is....

Tarrieson is the goofy,fun,loving,outgoing,sporty,Caster he loves sports he protects what's his,he is fiercely loyal he is in the popular group but he's not the typical jock he doesn't sleep around are bully anyone he loves hanging with his group of friend but he also had a dark and cold past that he hopes no one reveals......

Jason the secretive,mysterious,cold hearted,protective hybrid lives alone Howels  in the night for his mate, he's very territorial when it come to what's his,he dreams of meeting him,at night he creeps around takes his aggression out on everything that come to sight,or in hearing distances until one night that changes

Read to find out what happens when they all crosses paths,what happens when everything changes...


WARNING:Sexual content MxB if you are against LBGT than don't read there is also bulling ,suicide, if there is a possibility that it's aTRIGGER please don't read if u have insults then turn ur ass around and exit out thank you....

Read at your on risk...

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