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Blue eyes stared down into the fire pit in deep thought until a thundering of footsteps of horses, broke him out of it. He looked up to see Koba, and his followers Stone and Grey, back from their "hunt."  Koba hopped down from off of his horse and walked over towards him. He noticed that his uncle appeared very worried and concerned about something, judging by the frown he had on his face.

 Koba quickly replied and signed "Just came from the city. Humans very dangerous! Where is Caesar?" Blue eyes solemnly signed "With the humans..." and continued "One of them is up there with mother." Koba looked up at Caesar's tree, where the human was, taking care of the queen. His eyes showed so much anger and hatred and he growled then patted Blue eyes on his shoulder and replied "C'mon, lets go."

Suddenly, a loud thundering of footsteps and hooting made Lily jump. It was so loud that it nearly woke Cornelius up from his sleep. Lily got up and peeked out to see Blue eyes left with Koba and the other two apes (Well, there goes my ride.) Cornelia signed "What happened?" Lily replied "Blue eyes and Koba left, possibly going towards the dam."

 Cornelia frowned and signed "Go after them." Lily looked at her surprised and signed "And just what exactly am I supposed to do? They're not going to listen." Cornelia persisted signed, urgently "Go after them!" Lily let out a sigh and replied "Alright, I'll go. Sit tight." Cornelia happily smiled and signed "It's not like I'm going anywhere." 

As Lily managed to climb down the tree, she looked over at the horses and eyed them with so much disdain (What am going to do?! I can't ride!) But, then an ape, who was tending to them, caught her attention. It was the gorilla, Luca. Cautiously, Lily approached him. He heard her, as she did, and he turned around. She looked up at the tall ape and signed "Can you take me to the dam?"

 The gorilla only stared at her and she persisted and replied "Please." He turned around and bent down and grunted and pointed at his back. Lily stared at him not knowing what he meant and signed "What do you want me to do?" Luca rolled his eyes and pointed at his back and grunted again. Lily climbed on top of him and they took off.

At the dam, Caesar and several apes helped moved some pieces of rumble that was blocking the water from the dam. While, the humans were working above. Foster tossed Alex a part of a mainframe and he caught it and inspected it. Foster replied "Yo, Alex. This relay's busted. Go see if there is another one."

 As he went to find another piece, he didn't notice a certain scarred ape in front of him. Koba shoved the boy out of his way knocking him down. Alex yelled "Hey!" Koba snarled at him and began advancing towards him. Malcolm quickly stopped what he was doing and rushed over to his son, jumping in front of him "No! No! No! Don't!"

Maurice stepped in blocking Koba, towering over the ape, growling. Koba growled baring his fangs at him and yelled "Where's Caesar? Want Caesar! CAESAR!!!" Koba turned around to see him appeared. He growled and stalked over to him "Humans attack your sons. You let them STAY! Put apes in danger! Caesar loves humans more than apes. MORE than your sons." 

Then everything went red, Caesar let out a yell tackling the ape and started picking him up and slamming him to the ground and beating him with his fists. No one intervened. They could only watch in horror, while some hooted with excitement, as Caesar repetitively continued to beat the bonobo. 

Lily raced over to the railings ignoring the two apes, Grey and Stone, and peered over it to see Caesar strangling the scarred ape (He's going to kill him!) She gripped the railing and loudly yelled "STOP!" Several apes looked up, including Maurice, Rocket, and Blue eyes, when they heard her. Caesar's eyes widen when he realized what he was doing and he looked down to see the ape pinned down underneath of him, with his hands tightly wrapped around Koba's neck. 

He quickly let go and replied "No. Ape...not kill...ape." Koba let out a gasp of air, as he did. Caesar slowly stepped off of him and stood up. Koba rolled over on his side then knelt and held up his hand and replied "Forgive me." Caesar looked at it, almost like he didn't want to, but reached out to touch it. Koba quickly moved away, barely giving Caesar a chance to do it. Several apes moved out of his way and he began to climb up the stairs to leave. Lily quickly moved back as she saw him approached. He took one last look at her and glared, then left. That one last look he gave her was haunting.

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