Chapter 12

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*3rd Person POV*

Kagari stood in the hall way his mouth hanging open before he closed it and retreated before Ginoza caught him staring in the hall. He went to Shion's lab where the other's were and gulped when Masaoka asked "So did you tell him that we saw something unusual.....what's with the look on your face did something happen?" "I didn't have a chance to speak to the Inspector" Kagari admitted. "What why not? He'd want to know what we found" Kogami demanded.

"I went to go find him and when I couldn't find him I went to go ask Y/N if she knew where he'd be...and I ended up catching them in the middle of making out in the hallway. Y/N's shirt was all the way unbuttoned and pushed down to her elbows, Ginoza's hand around her throat as he kissed her. They both seemed to be enjoying it from my point of view but if Y/N enjoyed it I don't understand why she'd slap him in the face" Kagari explained as he rubbed the back of his neck.

The whole room was silent until the door opened to reveal none other than Ginoza. Masaoka looked at him before saying "We found something that you might want to see. Apparently Y/N's been sneaking out." Ginoza pushed up his glasses and said "I figured that as much when I caught sight of the duffle by the door. Think you could pull up the live footage Karanomori?" Shion nodded and began to type only to stop when a live feed popped up revealing Y/N eyeing the hallway before leaving the room entirely.

"Follow her if you can" Ginoza ordered and she nodded. Shion pulled up all the camera's and they began to follow her movement's. "She's going to the gym" Kogami said. Ginoza examined the screen before saying "That could explain the broken ribs she has, but I'm not sure. The room fell quiet as they listened to the medical bot saying "L/N you cannot continue today, your ribs are broken and seem to be in an even worse condition than they were yesterday." They all watched Y/N interrupt it, by taking off her shirt and pants before saying "Yes I know, just patch me up as best as you can. I will not allow this to slow me down, I have a job to do and I will not fail."

"But" the bot began only for her to order "Just do it. I'll consider lowering the bots capacity." They watched in silence at Y/N stood in the middle of the room in nothing but a sports bra and a pair of shorts, enduring the bot's careful prodding. When it declared her fit to train she began to do a few warm up stretches. Then watched her fight the bot bare handed. "Karanomori do you think you could pull up different feeds from the gym? I want to see if she received those broken ribs during a training session" Ginoza demanded. Shion nodded and then began to type.

Several window's popped up on the screen when Ginoza pointed to a certain one "This is the first one that the bruise appears in correct?" Shion looked closely at the screen before nodding and said "Yes but if she already had the bruise by the time she went to the gym, where did she get it?" "Maybe she got it the day she went to see the Chief" Masaoka suggested. Ginoza turned his gaze on the older man and demanded "When was this?" "It was the day of the second murder Inspector. She was called into the Chief's office, but she didn't immediately return until it was time for us to leave to examine the scene" Tsunemori answered softly as her eyes continued to watch Y/N fighting.

Just as Ginoza opened his mouth Tsunemori suddenly said "Wasn't she suppose to be in her room nursing a hangover yesterday?" Immediately everyone's gaze went to the yesterday's feed and noticed that Y/N had been fighting two bots at once and that both of them were at full fighting capacity. "What is she doing? Doesn't she know that she'll make her ribs worse fighting them both at the same time? Did she have something to prove?" Tsunemori asked softly.

Masaoka had his eyes trained on the screen as he replied "The second victim really got to her. It was the reason I got her drunk, she had felt everything the victim did. She felt violated in the worst possible way, feeling Oryo's touch on the victim's skin, she experienced everything the victim did. Because of the things she felt she was able to tell me that Oryo was a woman. Her explanation was that a woman's body was softer, while a man's was like velvet covered steel."

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