Part 2

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As we crossed the busy road, George kept a hand gently on the small of my back, which made me feel very protected, as I suddenly went all Jane Austen and Mr Darcy and imagined him sweeping me off my feet to stop the traffic from hitting me.

God Sonia, you really are turning into a loser! I told myself, as we walked down the side street, away from the main crowds.

I saw ahead a brightly lit neon sign and George gestured that this was the place. There were stairs leading down and it was obviously a basement, but the sounds and the bustle coming from inside were inviting, so I didn't hesitate and made my way.

As I reached the bottom, I took in my surroundings. Low ceilings, a flagstone floor and soft intimate lighting made for a welcoming atmosphere, along with the sounds of some classic jazz in the background, just audible over the rabble of the customers. "Very nice." I murmured in approval. "I like it."

George guided me through the crowd until we reached the bar and what seemed like the only free seat in the place. "I hoped you would." he said by way of reply. "I own it."

I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, right."

He looked at me and grinned, taking in my disbelieving face. "Honestly!" he said earnestly. "I do! Me and my brother - we're joint owners, and we've got another two in other parts of the city."

I could tell then that this wasn't just a line and he was being truthful.

Oh gawd I thought. So not only is he a better looking version of the Clooney, but he's also a successful cocktail bar owner. Like a taller Tom Cruise but without all the Scientology stuff.

So - there's definitely a catch then. Just need to find it. Is he married?

I glanced down at his left hand. No signs of a wedding ring or the marks where one would have been it if had just been taken off. Okay - Brucie bonus - that's all good then. Perhaps there isn't a catch then this time?

I congratulated myself then on getting this far without George realising that I was in fact a complete womble, when he asked me what I wanted to drink.

"Sex on the Beach was it?" he said with a laugh.

As red as a beetroot on heat, I managed to utter "Er no, I think I'll stick to a Blue Lagoon thanks."

"Righty ho, one Blue Lagoon coming up" and he nodded at the barman who obligingly came straight over and started to prepare my beverage, even though there were scores of other people waiting to be served.

Oh I like this already, I thought, suddenly envisioning a life of luxury as one of the Housewives of Walthamstow Village. As I daydreamed, my delusions of grandeur were rudely interrupted by George handing me my Blue Lagoon.

"Your drink m'lady"

"Thank you Parker." I replied in my best Lady Penelope voice, hoping that I didn't sound like a complete idiot, but George just laughed and said "You're funny."

I gazed at him in awe as I raised my glass to my lips. My enthusiasm for him was growing by the minute. He liked my jokes. That never happened.

He took hold of his own glass, which appeared to also contain a Blue Lagoon, and clinked it against mine. "Here's looking at you kid."


The next couple of hours seemed to fly past, as we talked and laughed, sharing snippets of our lives and telling stupid jokes. I honestly felt like I could do no wrong and no matter what daft thing I seemed to come out with, George just seemed to find me hilariously funny, which was a complete novelty, as usually, guys ran a mile when I started being just the normal me.

Suddenly, and all too soon, it was almost 11 pm and the place was starting to empty a little. I realised that as much as I wanted to stay on that bar stool forever, gazing into the perfect blue eyes of my ClooneyPittLaw doppleganger, I really would have to make a move, so reluctantly, I removed myself from my seat and picked my bag up from the floor.

"Are you going?" asked George with what I can only describe as a puppy dog expression on his gorgeous face.

"Sorry." I replied wrinkling my nose glumly. "I need some sleep. It's been a long week."

He stood up and looked down at me and then put his arms out and reached round my waist with them. He pulled me close. "So - I will be seeing you again won't I?"

Blimey I thought. He actually sounds worried that I might say no!

I smiled and nodded with a sort of 'really? you're being serious?' look before replying "Sure, I'd love to."

George gave the biggest smile ever. "Great!" He said, beaming. "I'm really glad you said that....." he paused and looked slightly embarrassed before continuing. "....look, you're probably going to think I'm nuts.....but........." He shook his head to himself. "Can't believe I'm about to say this but........" and he looked at me straight in the face with his fabulous blue eyes, ".......I think I've managed to fall in love with you."

I stared at him- stunned into a rare silence as I digested the words I'd just heard. My heart was beating as loudly as the whole of the Royal Philharmonics percussion section.

"I - er - I'll be back in two." Was all I could utter as I turned on my heels and went quickly to the ladies. Once in the safety of a cubicle I sat on the loo seat and stared at the door, like it was going to give me the answers I needed.

What is he doing? You can't fall in love like that......can you? My head raced. I didn't know what to do. I'd never been in this situation before. Had anyone? It just seemed too good to be true, but at the same time, I felt like I needed for once in my life to take a real chance and hope it would pan out. So far it had been good hadn't it?

In my brain, a question was going round and round like it was on repeat.

Where's the catch? There's always a catch.

I knew suddenly that there wasn't one and I let myself out of the cubicle and made for the bar, my mind made up. I knew what I was going to do...........

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