Avas death

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Roberts POV
Me an Aaron sat next to our daughter Ava's Hospital bed, she had tubes coming out of her chest to help her breath. Watching Ava struggling to even breath just broke my heart. She lay in the bed with her eyes closed, as soon as me and Aaron brought her into the hospital all she'd done was sleep.
" She's so peaceful." I whispered so I didn't wake her.
" I can't remember the last time I saw her sleep without crying in agony." Aaron wiped any remaining tears from his face. Ava's eyes flickered open before shutting again.
" Hey stranger." I put my hand on her forehead and smiled.  Ava groaned before smiling back. Her face was slimmer then usual and her skin was paler then she used to be.
" I'm..........Sorry." Ava said in an almost whisper. Aaron walked closer to Ava and kneeled next to her bed again.
" You've got nothing to be sorry for." Aaron kissed Ava's fore head before kneeling back down next to her bed.
" I.........Can't.........Hold...........on." A single tear fell down Ava's  cheek before she closed her eyes again.
" It's ok baby. Let go if you have to. We won't be mad at you. I promise." I gripped Ava's hand tightly hoping she would grip my hand back like usual but this time her hand fell flat. The machines Ava was attached to flat line.
" No." I whispered with tears streaming down my face now.

Aaron's POV
Ava went white as her machines flat lined. It wasn't long before several doctors and nurses ran into the room and told us to wait out side while they tried her best.
" Come on baby fight." I pulled Robert into me while watching the doctors constantly try to shock Ava back to life. But nothing was working.
" Please don't take her." I whispered to myself while hoping and praying that a miracle would happen, she would open her eyes and say everything was ok.
" call it time of death 17:20." I heard one of the doctors say before taking the shock pads off of her chest.
"No no no." I cried pulling Robert even closer into my chest now.

Chas's POV
I quickly called Aaron after receiving his urgent text messages and voice mails. A few seconds later Aaron answered his phone.
"Mum" Aaron's voice cracked as he said each word I could tell he had been crying.
"Aaron what's happened is it Ava has something happened to her?" I asked even more worried then I was before.
" It's Ava She......................She died." I heard Aaron break down in tears on the other line.
" Oh god no............ok Hun you stay there I'll come up to the hospital." I tried to stay strong for my son but on the inside I was crying my heart out.
" No we'll come to you." Aaron hung up the phone quickly after telling me.
I walked out from behind the bar and sat down with my head in my hands.
" Chas what's happened?" Cain and Debbie walked over to me and sat down.
" That was Aaron on the phone. Ava's died." I put my head back in my hands and let myself burst into tears.

Aaron's POV
" She's gone. She's actually gone." I cried into Roberts chest.
" We didn't even get to say a proper goodbye." Roberts voice was still croaky from crying and his eyes where stained red from the tears.
" she was doing so well. I don't get how she could just spiral down hill so fast." I put my hand through Ava's blonde hair as she lay still. Her skin still had a little bit of colour and she was still warm.
" we can say goodbye now properly." I kissed Ava on the forehead again before speaking.
" We meant what we said before. We're not mad at you for letting go. I hope your at peace now beautiful." I walked away from Ava's still warm body, so that Robert could say something to her.

Roberts POV
I walked over to Ava and held her hand.
"I love you Ava and I know forever wasn't that long but I will love you until the end of my life. Sweet dreams baby I'll see you on the other side." I wiped my remains tears away,kissed Ava on the cheek and watched the nurses take her away. Once Ava was finally gone I ran over to Aaron and started to cry on his shoulder.
" What are we gonna do without her." I wrapped my arms around Aaron and cried.
" I don't know" Aaron replied.

Back at the pub Roberts POV
" We don't have to go in to the pub if you don't want to. We could just go through the back way" I said to Aaron while parking in the car outside the pub.
" I don't think I can face anyone else. Not today." Aaron got out the car and walked over to the back door of the pub.

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