I can't belive she's gone

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Aaron's POV
" I thought you'd want some photos of Ava to remember her by." Mum walked through into the back of the pub where Robert and I where sitting.
" What's the point? Every time I look at them all I see is the Dad that I couldn't be." I wiped my eyes again before moving away from Robert.
" Don't say that." Robert put his hand on my shoulder but I quickly shrugged it off.
" why not? AVA'S DEAD ROBERT. DO YOU HEAR ME SHE'S DEAD........... She's dead. And there's nothing you, me or anyone else can do about it and it kills me every single second that I'm not with her, every single second I can't talk to her or tell her I love her or even be the Dad that she needed. At least you can say you where there for her ever since she was born Robert. All I can say is that I went to prison the second she was born. SO DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME WHAT NOT TO SAY." I jumped up out of my seat and ran up into my room. I through myself onto the floor and put my head in my hands.
" Why'd you have to go so soon?" I whispered to myself.

Roberts POV
" SO DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME WHAT NOT TO SAY." Aaron jumped up from the couch and ran up the stairs. I went to follow him but Chas stopped me.
" Give a few hours to calm down. He's just lost his daughter. Let him be alone."
"No I've got to at least check on him. I don't what him to do anything he'll regret." I walked up the stairs and into our room where I found Aaron sitting on the floor with his head in his arms crying his heart out. I sat down next to him and pulled him into my chest.
" Why did it have to be her. Out of all the people that it could of been. Why did it have to be her?" Aaron cried into my shoulder.
" Because Life's a bitch and always has to hurt the people we live the most. It's not true you know. Everything you said before about not being there for Ava. It's not true. You where a better dad then I was to her. She loves you and she always will. Even now she's gone. And I can't promise this guilt will go away completely because I'm not even sure it will. But what I can promise is that I will never ever leave you and we will keep on fight for Ava and for all the other sick kids out there that need our help. I love you Aaron." I kissed Aaron on the cheek before putting my head on his slightly damp hair.
" I love you too." Aaron whispered back.

The days seemed to go horribly slow after Ava's death. Chas knocked on the door a few hours later.
" Sorry to interrupt love but everyone in the pub wants to see you. I think I just want to offer their condolences." Chas knelt down next to Aaron.
" Can you tell them we don't want to see anyone yet. I just want to sit here with Robert." Aaron raped his arms around me tightly.
" I will do. Just come down when your ready." Chas smile before standing back up and walking out of our room closing the door behind her.
" We do care you know. As much as you might think we don't we really do. I'm here for you like your here for me." I kissed Aaron on the lips before letting him speak.
" I miss Ava so much. She was my whole world. Now she's gone." Aaron voice cracked again but this time it sounded like it had hurt him.
" I miss her to. But I know she's out there watching over us now. I know that sounds stupid but it's true." I smiled before holding Aaron for as long as he needed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2017 ⏰

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