27; eleven

12 5 1

"I was only thinking of myself"

"My actions were unaccounted for"

"You have every reason to hate me"

"Forgive me"

Not once in my life did i ever expect a letter of apology from Min Yoongi.

But here I stand, clutching a page-long, handwritten letter from the man himself.

Maybe he wasn't as bad as I precedented.

I opened my front door and quietly shut it behind me. I wandered across the hall and stood directly in front of a birch door, emblazoned '27'.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I counted the seconds before he answered the door. 5 seconds, Yoongi, it's a record.

He looked a little startled at the sight of me. And to be honest, I was a little too.

He was bare-faced, for a start. On top of that, he looked absolutely exhausted.

"Hey, Yoongi" i sighed, smiling. A smile quivered on his lips for a moment, but it never appeared.

He watched me closely, his blinking heavy and slow, before he choked out a pained "Hi."

"I wanted to thank you for your letter. I never expected anything like this, but it was really thoughtful. I appreciated it, a lot" I began. I paused, in case Yoongi was going to speak, but he never did. His eyes just remained fixated on me, which made me a little anxious.

"I am willing to forgive you. Just please, don't do something like this again. I trusted you with all my heart and you tore it to pieces" I said. Yoongi seemed to loosen up a little.

"Thank you" he mumbled.

"Are- you ok? You look exhausted" i asked, scratching my arm.

"I was up all night, that's all" he replied.

"Okay, well, you look after yourself, alright? Don't overwork yourself" i instructed warmly.

"You too. Is your foot ok? It seemed like you kicked that wall pretty hard" Yoongi questioned.

I chuckled. "I broke my big toe"

He scoffed. "You're telling me to look after myself, but you can just about manage yourself"

"Yeah, maybe I should listen to what i'm telling people as well"

"It does help" he replied, laughing. "Do you.. want to come in?"

"Yeah, if that's okay with you" i replied, as Yoongi stepped out of the way so i could walk inside. He shut the door behind me quietly.

"How have you been?" i asked politely, as i sat down on his sofa.

"I've been busy at work" he replied, sitting down on the opposite side of the couch as me.

"I saw you released a new music video" i mentioned.


"It was good, i never knew you had so much music."


The one-worded answers spoke for themselves. I sighed a little, frustrated by his lack of effort.

"Yoongi, i don't know what I've done to hurt you, but i'm really sorry"

"I-It's fine, it's my problem"

"Okay. I've ordered some takeaway that's getting delivered soon, do you want to join me?" i asked.

"I mean, if you're okay with it"

"Yeah, sure thing"

I got up and wandered back over to my apartment, with Yoongi behind me.

"I'm sorry my apartment is such a mess, I've been really busy at school" i said, as i tidied up a bit.

"What have you been doing?" he asked, curious.

"I'm currently studying Pablo Picasso's work" I stated. The doorbell rang, and i walked to answer it.

I handed the delivery boy the money and shut the door.

I placed the bag of food on my kitchen side and started unpacking. I got some plates and cutlery out.

"Yoongi, come help yourself" i said, and he paced over and started to serve himself some food.

We sat down and began eating.

"So, Pablo Picasso. Tell me about him" Yoongi said, chewing on his food.

"Well, Pablo Picasso was a Spanish artist born in October of 1881. He was a sculptor, printmaker, stage designer, and most famously, a painter. His art styles varied through the years. He began in the Blue Period, where his painting subjects were particularly doleful, and was influenced by the suicide of his friend Carlos Casagemas. Then came his Rose Period, which used more warmer colours of blush and orange. I won't go through every single one, but his most famous art style was synthetic cubism, which involved laying down pieces of wallpaper or newspaper onto a canvas. His most famous synthetic cubism artwork included 'Glass and Bottle of Suze' and the 'Girl with a Mandolin'. Not that any of that is of any interest to you, but you know" i explained.

"I enjoyed it" he replied simply.

"Don't be ridiculous" i scoffed, shaking my head.

"No, I'm serious. The way you explain things, it makes them sound fascinating." he said.

"Oh. Well, I admire his work tremendously, and will forever believe he was one of the very few phenomenal artists of the 20th Century" I stated.

"I can see your adoration for him just through your eyes. You look like a puppy when you talk about the things you love, I've noticed" he chuckled a little, but kept on watching me.

I blushed.

"I bet I look ridiculous" i mutter, laughing quietly.

"No" he replied. "You look beautiful."


27 • min yoongiWhere stories live. Discover now