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|Mariea's pov|

"Uh, I haven't really heard of you that much." I say. I've heard about him before because Londyn has mentioned him a few times but I can't even remember half of the stuff she's said about him. "Oh well. It's whatever. I'm famous, I have like 8 million on Instagram, 15 million on musical.ly, and used to have a lot on vine." Jacob says like it's nothing. "Really?" I say as I get super wide-eyed. "Yea. I want to hear all about you, tell me." He says in a soft tone. Oh how a girl could just melt when around him. "Well, I'm not as famous as you," I giggle as I say it, "but I have 50k on Instagram and 90k on Musical.ly. I do dance, cheer, and- uh..." I pause afraid to say the words. "Just say it, you can tell me anything." Jacob says in a soothing, sweet voice that makes me so comfortable that what he said could be true.
"- I also do football. I model too, just for small clothing lines though because I don't want to get too out into the modeling industry. I'm 13 -almost 14- and I just moved to California but we took a little trip here. I have a brother named Zachary, he is nine. My dad is a big businessman who works for big companies. So yep, thats pretty much it."
I finish.
"Woah, you sound like fun." Jacob says. He looks straight into my eyes and I feel like I could just fall into them. He is amazing so far. "You do, too, I guess." I say. "You know what? Why don't we get out of this park and just go somewhere?" Jacob says. "Well, can you go to your instagran and show that you're signed into jacobsartorius, just so I know that you're not lying to me or anything? I trust you but I just gotta make sure." I say nervously. He says, "Yea, but I'm going to expect the same from you so pull out that phone." He laughs. We both pull out our phones and show each other our Instagram accounts. "Ok good, where do you wanna go?" I say. "I have to run to my hotel real quick before we go anywhere, you can come too." "Sounds fine, lets go." I say.

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