Something new.. (1)

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Niall.. POV*

"This is your captain speaking, the seatbelt sign is going to go on in a few minutes time. We will be landing at our destination soon. Thanks for flying with us."

My heart is heavy while trying to reach for my seatbelt. I can't believe we will be landing soon. Its been +- 11 hours I've been on this flight and not even one minute of sleep. So many things running through my mind. The headlines, the hate from the fans .. Caroline. Damn Caroline, all the fucking pain she caused. The dissapointment in the boys' faces, everyone seems to hate me now.

I lazyely run my fingers through my hair. I didn't even agree to coming to South Africa, but Paul seemed to think that it will help. But sending me away.. So many questions running through my mind.

I don't even know whats going to happen to me now. I only know that I have to get out of the public eye for a while.

"Sir, please put your seatbelt on." The hostess looking at me like I'm carrying some kind of pest that's contagious. Usually I liked flying business class, but now I'd rather sit in economic so that no one would recognize me. She walks away mumbeling something I just choose to not hear.

I don't know how I'm going to handle this.


Emily.. POV*

My breath burns in my throat, sweat forming on my forehead. The late African sun starting to set over the bushveld. Its the most spectacular view I've ever seen. Every night I jog the same route, every night I stop and look at the beautiful sunsets. Ever since I came here 2 years ago this was my escape. High hopes softly playing on my iPod, its like a movie scene. A smile creeping onto my face, it feels weird though. Its been a while since I've been happy.

This place has offered me the chance to heal. To forget about the past and move on.

I think I can handle this.


Hey everyone. So this is my new story. Under the same name as my previous one .

I would love to hear what you think about it? The song she was listening to was KODALINE HIGH HOPES.. :)

Please vote or comment.. I'm setting myself some goals before I update , so I know that I don't do it just for me ...

Oh and this is a PG rated story so there are going to be cursing and violence and even some action if you understand.. Wink wink lol

Thank you

Love **

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