The Cogwork Angel

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Name: Jaiden Light (no middle name)

Nickname: Cogs or Cogwork

Age: 19 (actually he's 190000)

Birthday: December 14th

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Gender: Male

Sexuality: closet gay (sorry if that's cliche)

Species: Cogwork Angel

Powers: he is able to turn create any kind of machine and can heal illnesses by transferring them into his own body

Personality: Jaiden is a closed off person, he doesn't tend to speak to others often. He mainly focuses on his work and doesn't like interacting with others. However, if he is forced into conversations, he is generally blunt, kind and straight to the point. Although he does know when to take things to a lower tone and be there for others if they're hurting.

Skin colour: his is very pale, but can change his appearance if he wants

Eye colour: baby blue

Hair colour/ length/ style: his hair is blonde and normally his bangs are all off to one side of his face

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 170 pounds

Piercings: none

Tattoos: none

Any type of makeup: none



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Species looks:

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Species looks:

Likes: machinery, flying, building machines,reading, watching his robots move around, the smell of oil and metal (I know, its weird), sleepingDislikes: building weapons, explosions, when smoke and ash blowing up in his face, violence, darknessTale...

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Likes: machinery, flying, building machines,reading, watching his robots move around, the smell of oil and metal (I know, its weird), sleeping
Dislikes: building weapons, explosions, when smoke and ash blowing up in his face, violence, darkness
Talents: he is an excellent inventor, a skilled reader
Fears/ phobias: spiders, explosions, demons
Strengths: he is a very skilled fighter, but still has trouble defending himself
Weaknesses: is rather weak and will try to run before defending
Hobbies: building machines and that's is XD
Favorite colour: bronze
Least favorite colour: white
Favorite food: steaks
Least favorite food: cabbage
Favorite animal: horses
Least favorite animal: sharks
Lucky number: 14
Drinks?: nope
Smokes?: nope, but can inhale in daily because of his machines burning coal to work
Drugs?: nope
Any mental illnesses?: he does have slight depression, but it doesn't effect him much because of his constant working on machines
Position: Seke
Turn-ons: petting his wings, being rough, neck kissing and biting, being dominated and dominating
Turn-offs: pain, blood, exchange in bodily waste
Kinks: collars
Background: Jaiden was once an angel in heaven, but was soon exiled. He didn't care much, he soon intergraded into a human town and was a well known engineer
Mother: he doesn't have one
Father: ^^
Other family:^^
Pets: he has a foal

 He didn't care much, he soon intergraded into a human town and was a well known engineerMother: he doesn't have oneFather: ^^Siblings:^^Other family:^^Pets: he has a foal

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Occupation: he is an engineer
Currently lives: in a human village
Allergies: none
Other: none
Password: Horses

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