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The giggle of a small child rang through the cold, bloodied room. Blood dripped from the grinning child's ruined eye as she stood above the writhing man below her. Her once pretty little dress was bloody and torn. A gash on his hip bleeding profusely, staining the fabric in the color that was splattered around the dark room.

Clouds of frost floated across the floor around the frigid room. The two corpses laid on the cold dirty flood were cold and blue, their once warm blood frozen on their bodies and floor. Their eyes frosted over as they seemed to stare at the small child.

"You little demon! You little fucking monster!" Came the distorted screech from the living man on the ground. He screamed as he gripped his head, pulling at his hair as insanity gnawed away at his now ruined mind.

"You did this mister..." The chilling voice of the little girl echoed in the cold room. Her breath coming out in little puffs of frost as an equally chilling giggle came from her small body. A deranged look spread across her small face as she grinned down at the living body on the floor. "You made me into this monster."


Knock knock knock...

I ignored the sound, nuzzling deeper into my bed.

Knock knock knock!

Groaning I sat up out of my plush, round bed as the sound became louder. Groggily I dragging my self over to the shut wooden door and opened it. A yawn escaped my lips as I rubbed my face. Having to blink a few times from the sudden light.

"What?" I asked groggily.

"You have a letter, my dear." The old man said from down below. I looked down to the familiar small form of Gran Torino. Age really shrank the man down to a small stature over the years. "It's from Toshinori..."

Groaning again I stepped out of my dark room. I held my hand out for the letter with a yawn escaping my lips. The paper envelope was placed into my awaiting hand. Opening the envelope carefully a small circle disk fell into the palm of my hand. I turned it over a few times before laying it flat on my palm. After a second it turned on and a projection appeared in front of me.

Torino and I watched the projection of Toshinori who looked pale and deflated, more so than usual, as he sat on a couch in what looked like an office. It worried me seeing him like this. "Hello Hikari... I'm sorry to not of contacted you recently. See I have been busy here at UA! I'm a teacher here now. Though that isn't a very good excuse for my absence." He gave a big smile but sadly it didn't stay for very long. "I found someone worthy of One For All you know... He is a good kid. A total fan boy. I would like for you to meet him, which you will. Soon hopefully..."

Torino and I exchanged worried looks before focusing back on the projection. Toshinori looked tired. Pale and kinda sickly. He was getting worse, I could tell just from looking at him. His golden blond hair was even more of a mess than normal. It looked dry and tangled, like he hadn't brushed it in awhile. He looked like a wreck, a total hot mess. I swear the dark bags under his eyes are the worst they have ever been.

"That's why I have requested for you to come here. As an assistant teacher for class 1-A." Class 1-A, huh? A recent news report played through my head of the villain attack on that class. That just happened a few days ago so it was still fresh in my mind. Even though he never told me where he was going, I always knew. He was in the news everywhere. "Plus we will need your specific set of skills in the possible future. I already have everything okayed so it's all up to you now... it is still technically your choice."

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