The Mist of a Pirate's Ocean..

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Misty. Captain Jack Bones. Isabella Jones. First-mate: Mack Bones.

(The picture is Capn Jack Bones.) (characters)


(Isabella Jones' Point of View)

I watched from my window as the town was attacked by pirates, i was safe in my hill top house being on of the richest family in the town. Sure i was spoilt and got everything i wanted but i wasn't happy; i'm 17 for the sake of it i should have already be getting wedding proposals and what not. But at a time like this i was just wishing the pirates didn't come here. Of course i was wrong when i wished they didn't come because suddenly i was blindfolded and thrown over someones shoulder.

Beyond my own screaming i heard other screams and shouts until they subsided and i was on a rocking base. I was on a boat, my senses told me i was on a boat and when i heard voices yelling at each other to set sail i was for sure. "Capn we got her," a voice called out to i don't know where, I heard footsteps on the deck coming closer. In that time my blindfold was removed and i took a look around; it was a pirate ship for sure. Pirates everywhere working on the ship it was early dawn, "Welcome to the Burning Heart MissIsabella Jones," a deep husky voice stated. 

I turned and looked at the caller and saw a very handsome man who i guessed was the Captain of the ship. He had dark brown hair and beautiful hazel eyes, he was at least 6ft1 or 2 and looked really fit, but i assume in the pirate job being fit is common. "Why am i here?" I shouted at him, "Tisk tisk tisk shouting at the Captain of the ship could get you into a lot of trouble," he replied. "Just answer me!" i yelled at him, "Maybe just this once," he stated, "We've kidnapped you because we've asked your father to pay us to return you," he answered.

 "Brother we sent the letter," another very attractive man walked out of a cabin; he had blonde hair and the same hazel eyes as the captain. "You can go about on this ship but the two cabins on the upper deck is off limits and your stay is in the brig," with that the two brothers went into on cabin that looked to be Captains quaters. "'m not staying here!" i yelled as they closed the door, "Sorry miss but whatever Captain Jack says goes," a random crewmate stated before going back to work.

I huffed and stomped to the end of the boat; so now i just stay here until my father pays the amount of money they want from me. The entire day i just sat on a barrel and watched the sea, as the waves hit the ship and the current taking it's course. It was now late night and all the crew did was work and relax and those two brothers just stayed in the cabin; i guessed older brother Captain and the younger brother First-mate.

Dinner came around and i was fed bread and some sort of meat, along with some sort of wine i assume. I being so hungry ate it without complaint but i did miss my home and how i was like a princess there. It was getting dark and i went down to the brim where i saw a bed in a cell; i assumed that is where i would be sleeping. I laid on the bed and being so tired i fell into a sleep quickly; i understood my situation and just went along with the vibe of it. Anyways daddy will pay for me soon enough.


Captain Jack Bones and his younger brother Mack Bones sat in the Capn quaters and discussed the next plan for the Burning Heart crew. Until it had gotten too late and Mack was struggling to stay awake, "Mack go get some sleep," Jack told his first-mate, "Goodnight brother," Mack replied with a salut jokingly to his brother and left to his cabin. Jack tucked aside the plans and went to his own bed; kicking off his boots he threw his coat onto a near by chair and laid down. The new plan was yet undecided but Mack offered that they do with plan one before starting another.

The next morning the ship was awakened by a shouting crew mate, "Man over board," Capn Jack and Mack ran to the rail to see a floating body of a girl. "What's going on!" cried a tired Isabella as she walked up the stairs to the upper deck. "Jack these waters are to cold she's dead," stated Mr. Duff a man who was like another father to the brothers. "Well we'll never know for sure," Jack replied handing his hat to Mack and kicking his shoes off; "Jack don't," Mr. Duff stated but it was too late. Jack jumped into the water and the crew watched him swim to the girl.

"Rope!" Mack yelled, the men threw rope to Jack; Jack found the girl and checked her, "She's breathing!" he yelled grabbing the rope. As the crew helped them up Isabella just stared at the girl; her wet red hair in a braid and she was in sleeping atire. Once Jack was on the ship they stared at the girl until she started to flutter her eyes and then looked straight at Jack with her greenish brown eyes staring at his hazel eyes. Breaking the staring she looked around, "Where am i?" she asked softly, "You are you the Burning Heart m'lady," Mack stated looking at her.

"Pirates," she mumbled, "Aye yes we are pirates and who might you be?" Jack asked, "I'm Misty," Misty replied sitting up. "I'm Capn Jack Bones and my first mate Mack Bones," Jack replied, "Why are ye flosting about in cold waters?" Jack asked bringing a knee to his chin to hear her story. "My family tried to kill me i had no choice but to jump into the waters," Misty replied in saddness; a sad day when your own family wanted you dead. "Well now what?" Mack asked bending down to her level, "Drop me off next port i want to be of no bother," Misty stated looking at her hands.

 "Can you cook?" Jack asked, "Hm?" Misty looked at Jack, "Can you cook?" Jack repeated himself, "Oh yes i owned a bakery," She replied to him. Jack stood up and helped Misty up, "Then it's set you'll be our chef and consider yourself a Burnt Heart," with that Jack nodded at Mack and went to change his wet clothes. "Follow me Misty," Mack stated and Misty followed him; Isabella was left in shock they had been so mean to her and now some random girl be upon the ship. At this time Mack gave Misty a dress that was once his mothers and a sweater to keep warm.

The dress was just above the knees and the sweater fell the same length, sitting by the warmer for an hour Mr. Duff called to her saying the crew grew hungry for a late lunch. Misty quickly went towards the rather clean kitchen, actually the ship was pretty clean and proper if it only a ship of boys; beside that one girl who looked like she already disliked her. Misty quickly made a kind of soup of bread and then finished off with making two plain lemon cakes. Calling down the crew to eat Misty watched them eat, "Misty come eat," Mack told her, "No thanks i don't feel like eating," Misty replied; she really felt like crying.

Her family and suposed lover wanted to kill her and she never understood why; she was the best daughter she could be and still. After they ate Misty served them cake and excused herself to top deck for the evening breeze. Isabella thought she was simply dramamatic but a good cook like Misty stated. Mack thought Misty was just another girl but thought she was a good girl and felt something towards her. Jack wanted to figure her out, and just like Mack...he felt something towards her and these new feeling was something unknown to Jack. Jack was used to being the emotionless Captain that used woman for his own pleasure; Misty breathed in the cool air as the crew men just lounged down under deck drinking.


Okay so this was just a prolouge and i know i guess the infromation is rushed and shix but i promise you the story is really good. It's got romance, adventure, fantasy and all that.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2012 ⏰

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