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The waters of a time gone by begin their journey;

Into the earth, through the vines that stare blankly;

Reaching the hungry roots of the crimsoned flower;

They gulp the waters, the nutrients they devour;

At journeys end they begin their relentless ascent,

Touching each tendril, they bind with their cement;

The barren ground, high above, begins to ripple,

As the twisted vines emerge and begin to bristle;

Reaching to the sky, to the eternal damning light;

A silenced beacon hangs over, deceitfully bright;

Feeding the buds, each one filled with dreams,

They begin to hatch, each filled with hope it seems;

With freshly opened eyes they look upon the stars,

A virgin night, a dazzling light that forever scars;

It was born from darkness but thrived with hope;

An innocence that strengthened and made it cope,

Reflected deep inside, upon the mirrored pools,

It whispered the sounds, the silence of fools;

Now burnt by the eternal light of this twisted lie

Its petals, curl, shrivel and begin to slowly die;

The deep colours of the rose faded and vanished;

Lingering memories of old that are now banished;

Broken images of life, painted by strokes of reality;

Essence of the dream, now erased by blinding clarity;

Waters from the crimson heart now dilute the colours,

As the soured sorrow defiles the taste that now bitters;

Broken dreams now fade and blend in the shadows,

And with a crimson tear, now sleeps in its gallows;

The tear begins to mix upon this hallowed ground,

to begin once more the journey, upon which it's bound.

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