When They're Drunk

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'Oh god, he has feathers on.'

"Garroth, how the hell- get down from there!" You yelled to your boyfriend who somehow got on the chandelier in your living room. "No, you *hic* featherless lady!" He yelled back at you.

"Garroth.. how many bottles of Smirnoff did you have..?" You asked. You didn't want to deal with drunk Garroth right now

"five.. Seven bottles. *hic* it's not a *burp* big deal." He slurred. "I AM A BURB." Garroth began to sob uncontrollably.

You sighed, already knowing you're going to have to take care of a drunk Garroth for 3 hours. 3 long hours.

"Y/n.. I have to t*hic*ell you something..*hic*" Laurance stumbled over to you. "I'm going to Hawaii." You were about to laugh at how serious he was

"Do you have plane tickets?" You giggled. "No?" He furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm gonna walk there, stupid." You gasped dramaticly at the sass Laurance gave you.

"Laurance M. Zvahl! Go to your room this instant!"

"Wha- *burp* but Y/n!" He whined. "No buts, Mister!" Laurance pouted and stomped off into his room while you laughed your ass off.

He's an emotional drunk. He cries for the dumbest reasons and sometimes for no reason.

"Heeeyyyy, Y/n~" Travis stumbled over to you, pink dusted all over his face. Knowing he was drunk, you decided to play along. "Heeeyyyy, Travis~" You replied.

"Guess what we're gonna be do*burp*ing tonight?" He wrapped an arm around you. You snorted, "What could we possibly be doing with you drunk?"

Minuets later you and Travis are under the bed sheets having a good time ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"Zane, I gotta go to work!" You groaned, looking down at the drunk, helpless man clinging on to your feet. "Don't leave me alone, Y/n!" Zane cried.

After millions of attempts of getting Zane off your feet you gave up. "Ugh, alright! I won't go!" You threw your hands in the air.

Zane gasped, "Really?!" He gleamed. You tiredly nodded. Zane got back on his feet and dragged you to the bedroom you shared. He gently layed you on the bed and snuggled up next to you.

You smile and scoot closer to him, slowly falling asleep in his soft embrace.

One shot of whiskey and he's already bouncing all over the place. You'll have to clean up after him everywhere you go and it's a pain in the ass.

He's extremely drunk but silent and seems to be in good control of himself. He just lies there on the couch watching TV and sometimes he'll cuddle with you through the night.

Daniel no get drunk. Lil bean prefers Cola.

Sorry for getting a little lazy towards the ending, I'm super tired but I felt like updating. ^^'

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