Chapter Thirteen: Serenade

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*Feb. 13, 2017*

Mark's P.O.V

It was already the day and we woke up early to go to the girl's dorm. We dressed up and practiced our song to make sure no one makes a mistake. Me and the boys went to the girl's room and we started serenading them and we sang "You are beautiful".

(Before Feb. 13)

*Feb. 12, 2017*

We were planning for Valentine's day to serenade the girls and of course I would do my best effort for Sana and I'm also planning to reserve a dinner tomorrow but I was also planning for a vacation... I don't really know. We planned really hard and the boys picked who they will serenade. JB picked Dahyun, Yugyeom picked Chaeyoung, Bambam picked Mina, Jinyoung wanted Sana but he picked Nayeon instead, Jackson picked Momo. Youngjae picked Jeongyeon.

During the planning, Jackson's phone rang and excused himself. He came back with Rampon or Namjoon and Jungkook with him. We ask Jackson what he was doing her and he said that he wanted to serenade Jihyo and Tzuyu since Jackson and Jackson are friends, Jackson managed to tell Namjoon about the Serenading thingy for the girls. Jungkook happened to know about it (maybe he saw the conversation of Jackson and Namjoon on Namjoon's phone.

They continued planning and after that they became hungry and ordered pizza, Jjangmyeon, Fried Chicken and more. Namjoon and Jungkook bid goodbye after that.

(Back to Feb. 14)

Namjoon's P.O.V

I was really glad that I had the chance to serenade Jihyo. I really find her attractive and she is also very talented. I did my best to serenade her and I bought her a teddy bear, chocolates and roses ;).
She was so beautiful even though she just woke up and she is very cute too.

Jungkook's P.O.V

I actually met Tzuyu early in the Morning and I was so early I fell asleep. I was shocked that she saw me and it was embarrassing. I arrived first since I want to prepare since I'm very awkward with these things. Tzuyu was stunning.

Mark's P.O.V

After the serenading, I hugged Sana and gave her a quick peck on her cheek and I can tell that she blushed. I reserved dinner for me and Sana and I bought her gifts too, I bought her perfumes and lotions since she loves those things. I bought us matching shirts and shoes too. The boys went to the living room since the girls will change and shower. The others left with their dates after a few minutes since they already gave their gifts to each other and the girls were done changing and doing their things.

Me and Sana were the only ones left at their dorm and Sana was fixing the beds and I backhugged her and kissed her cheek. I carried her and pinned her to the wall and kissed her softly and passionately. She wrapped her arms around my neck but I controlled myself since it's not the right time and I just whispered something to her and I put her down and winked at her, I can see her as red as a tomato and I went out of the room. Me and the boys were leaving that time and we bid goodbye to the girls.

Sana's P.O.V

I was asleep and I suddenly hear people singing and someone playing a guitar. I opened my eyes and I see the the boys singing and I also saw Namjoon and Jungkook. We all woke up and it was so sweet and how they sang was so amazing. The boys went to the living room after that and Mark gave me a quick peck and I was blushing so hard.

I can see the girls blushing really hard too and they immediately went to the bathrooms to take a shower and get ready. After what happened, the girls we're all in the living room and they were talking to their dates. Me and Mark were all alone in the room. I started fixing the beds and Mark suddenly backhugged and kissed me on the cheek.

He picked me up and pinned me to the wall and he started kissing me softly and my lips started to move and I wrap my arms to his neck. He stopped and whispered "I'm gonna meet you tonight and I'll just call you.
Wear something good and let's continue this tonight and after that he put me down and winked at me. He went out the room after that. I continued fixing the bed and went out the room. The boys were leaving already and we started bidding goodbyes to each other.

6:00 PM

All of us have dates and Mark texted me that he is already outside ready to pick me up. I told the girls that I am leaving and they said Goodbye and so as I. I went outside and got inside Mark's car and we were headed to the Jyp building, maybe he will just get something. He went out the car and opened the door for me and took me to the back of the building. There were candles and roses and romantic music. It reminded me of his proposal. "Sana, Happy Valentine's Day" he said. I replied with a kiss and we sat down the table on the center. We ate dinner which was delicious and I drove her back home.

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