what did I do...

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Elsa's pov

What have I done to this man that I do not even know. This is the worst thing that could possibly happen to me right now at this moment.
I call the ambulance and they take this guy to the hospital. While sitting next to this guy, I find out that I actually got married to a celebrity. His name was something called jas or Jack. I am not sure. I feel so terrible. I call Marian and she did not answer the phone. Then I called holy but she also did not answer the phone. I was now really getting worried.firstly I am now worried because I stabbed a guy in the stomach and I don't even now if he is OK or not. And now my friends are missing as well.

Maybe God is punishing me for sleeping with someone I did not marry...but no wait,i am married to this man. Oghh this is so confusing.

We finally get to the hospital and they take him inside. I wait an hour and the doctor comes out. I stand up and the doctor tells me that Jack lost a lot of blood. So I ask him if he could check if I was PREGNENT because that was the only thing on my mind at that moment.

I walk out with the papers in my hands and find out that I am




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