Part 1: So it begins...

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It's been about a thousand years after humans landed on the moon and started inhabiting several planets in our solar system. Now the human race was attempting to inhabit multiple systems. About one month ago our ship, the S.S. Griffin, left Earth and went outside of federation space to a nearby binary system in hopes of inhabiting it. My crew and I,  had come to a new planet only known as B-4428, in hopes of making our dream a reality. We thought that this exploration mission would be easy, after all it was not our first and we were certain it wouldn't be our last. We were wrong.

It seems so unlikely that an experienced crew like mine could be caught by surprize. I remember we had the planet in our view it didn't seem to look like it could support life, but our planetary scanners said otherwise. We were about to break through the atmosphere when my crew on the bridge told me they were picking up a high-energy signature from the planet's surface.

I asked,¨What kind of energy are we talking about here?¨

¨We don't know captain, but it looks like something on the planet is aiming for us,¨ said officer Keen, our chief technician from the engine room.

I began to order,¨Raise the forwar-,¨ when I was interrupted by a tremendous shake like a tremor from the earthquake.

¨What happened cap-¨, Keen said before we lost communication.

I shouted over the screams of panic,¨What the heck just hit us!¨

¨We don't know!¨ Responded Albert, our navigator,¨We think it came from the energy signature on the planet!¨

¨OH, you think!?¨yelled John our helmsman desperately trying to remain in control of the helm.

¨Get me the engine room," I said to Emily on communications, trying to remain calm.

¨No can do sir,¨she responded.

¨What do you mean, no can do?!?¨ I shouted

¨I mean it's gone, the engines are dead, and we're going to crash!¨

I stared at my crew in dire disbelief that they were wrong, I quickly realized they weren't. I straightened up and told everyone,¨Alert what's left of my crew and then get to the escape pods, quickly,¨ and they did so.

As the bridge crew left they realized I hadn't moved an inch and John yelled,¨Hey you gonna move or do you wanna blow up with the ship!?¨

¨If that is this ship's fate then so be it,¨ I said.

¨You're not seriously staying on this doomed ship. Are you captain?¨ said Albert, clearly hoping it to be a sick joke but I didn't respond and proceeded to take the helm.

¨You can't hope to save this ship, half of it has already exploded,¨said Emily.

¨The captain always goes down with his ship. I'm going to try and save it,¨ I said firmly,¨Now get to the escape pods.¨

¨But-,¨Emily began

¨That is an order! Now go!¨I said.

They stayed motionless for a second waiting for me to leave the helm but I stuck to my guns and prepared to steer my dying ship. They left for the escape pods leaving me to steer the ship, I pulled with all my strength to keep the ship steady through entry of the planet's atmosphere, as the ship began to burn up.

¨Come on you bucket a bolts, don't go out on me now!¨, I yelled. 

 Then the control panel exploded and knocked me backwards into a stasis pod. I woke up a day after the crash all alone with a broken ship and a lost crew that may have not survived, on a planet that I and my crew knew nearly nothing about.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2017 ⏰

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