White Killer

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I opened my eyes. A very normal action, but this time it wasn't. It was like trying to lift weights, like pushing open a window that is stuck. The really crazy part about it wasn't opening them though. It was what I saw. It was like I was drowning in milk, everything around me was white and fuzzy. I blinked a couple of times, sharpening my sight.  The white substance started to get lines. I could see walls now. Big white walls, small windows with white curtains.

But that wasn't the thing that made me realize it. It was the smell. Do you know that sharp smell? The smell of cleaning products, death and new life? That strange mixture that you only smell in hospitals?

That's how I knew.

I was in the hospital. Flashes of what happened replayed themselves in my mind, almost like I was living it again.



And then the crash.

From there it went black. I couldn't remember anything else. I couldn't recall whether I had hurt myself but guess my location gave the answer away.

I looked at the clock but for some reason, I couldn't read it. It was like it started moving as soon as I tried to focus on it. I looked around the room, searching for something else, anything to look at but there was nothing.

It was empty.

It terrified me. It was just me in this room. Me and the clock. That cruel thing that seemed to be mocking me, becoming blurry and fuzzy whenever I shot a look in its direction.

Eventually, it got me this scared that I pulled the white blanket over my head, looking for comfort in the grayish darkness. But it didn't help. The soft ticking of the clock sounded like bombs exploding right next to me. Tears streamed down my face.


An alien voice called out to me. I tried to hide under the blankets. What would they do to me?

Crazy science experiments?

"ELIZABETH!! It's me! I'm your dad... calm down baby," finally I recognized the voice. But...could I trust it? Carefully, I took a peak.

A tall man with pepper and salt colored hair was standing next to my bed. He was wearing a baby blue shirt with black pants.  For some reason, I couldn't keep my eyes of his clothes...the colors...It was fascinating, consoling.

The man stepped closer, carefully reaching his hand out to me like I was some wild animal that might run away any second.

"Oh baby," he whispered, tears forming in his eyes as I unconsciously moved myself further away from him.  I just stared at him. I don't really know what was going through my head at that moment. I know that I was aware of the fact that he was my dad but that I didn't trust him either.

After staring at each other for a while, he pressed a button. A red button next to my bed. Why hadn't I seen it...It stood out so much in the white room.

Confused, I stared at it until a lady in white rushed in.

"Bless God, you're awake! We were fearing for the worst!" I frowned. Why had she been afraid? I didn't get a lot of time to think about that question though. The nurse started taking all kinds of strange instruments. I screamed when she flashed a bright light right into my eyes. "Please follow it with your eyes," she said giving me a sweet smile.

"That looks fine," she kept mumbling while doing multiple tests. All the time, my dad had just been standing there, crying and so now and then he would do something with his phone.

"D-dad? Where is mom?" I whispered as the nurse was shining in my ear with some strange lamp. My dad gave me a sad look. "She's with Jungkook."



Who was Jungkook?

Oh right Jungkook... Suddenly I remembered everything. What he had done, that boy and the crash. Not just the crash but that it had been on purpose.

Shit, this dude was crazy.

and I was worried crazy for him.

"Is he okay?"

My dad gave me a faint smile. "Yeah, he had a small cut on his head but he seems to be okay. You guys woke up at the same moment...Your mom just sent me a message that he woke up," He sighed. "God, I'm so relieved that the two of you are okay...There was so much blood..."

I felt relieved too. Everything was alright. The both of us were okay.

"Well, young lady, it seems that you can leave. Everything is perfectly fine except for some scratches. You have been incredibly lucky. The both of you."

My dad instantly dialed my mom's number. "Yeah, honey? She can leave! She's perfectly fine!"

"Really? That's amazing! Well, see the two of you at the parking lot then!"

"Two? So ... Jungkook can leave too?" My dad gave me a broad smile. "Yup, oh Beth you can't believe how worried we were!"

I just nodded and the nurse said my dad should wait outside while I changed into some clean clothes that my parents apparently had brought. Gratefully, I changed out of the sad hospital robe and put on a hoody with jeans.

I could go home.

But there would be this one big issue. Jungkook...after what happened at the club... He was a murderer but it's my fault. If I hadn't kissed that boy... I had no idea how to deal with this. How to deal with being a criminal.

Despite everything, I wasn't afraid of him. When he shot, I wasn't afraid of him. But he's a killer... I want to see him...and be with him, talk.

I want to be friends with a killer. If not more.

Someone knocked on the door. "Lizzy, you ready?"

"Err yes!" I answered my dad opening the door. Together we walked down the white halls on our way outside. He didn't say a thing but just held my hand like I was still his little baby girl. I felt bad that he had needed to worry about me like that.

We finally were outside ...fresh air...no more hospital.

"Liz!" Someone screamed running at me. Before I got a chance to react or even see who it was, arms wrapped around me pulling me into a tight hug.

"Thank god you're okay!"


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