Author's Note

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The results of the poll are in and it was so close that I will be doing both an alternate and non-fanfiction version of The Water Boy!

I know I'm crazy!! You may be wondering how and why I've decided to do this. To clear things up: I am not doing this for numbers or that I'm irrelevant (this was sent to my inbox). I don't think of myself that way but yeah, The Water Boy had it's run and people liked it and continue to (and the beginning is so cringe I can't even read it so how any of you read it or re-read it, HOW??!). You like what you like and there will always be critics. I've always written for fun and nothing more. 

With this new version, I want to show you where my mind started when I was messing about trying to make a Narry edit. Again, I also want to show that the year of my 2012/2013 cringe writing is something I want to leave in those years. I think you'll all be surprised with my original ideas. It won't be in first person either. The summary is already screaming with a difference!

You don't have to read this one and it's not replacing The Water Boy. This story is and will always be my baby. It's staying on Wattpad forever! I know this story means so much to so many people and I would never take away something that's been loved and something readers connected with. I'm proud that I was even able to finish the story.

Now, I'm sure some people are going to want to know how the non-fanfic will go. It's not going to be like this version at all. The characters will not be characterized as Niall or Harry, which will make for something completely different. There's a lot of development going into it. It will also be posted on a different account because I don't want it to be linked to fanfiction, which I know will be impossible but I'm less apprehensive if I keep it separated.

If there are any other questions or concerns, then feel free to voice them. I probably missed some things or was vague so I will be here to answer or clear anything up! I'm just way too excited right now! Unless, it's about the plot because I'm evil and keeping it to myself :)

Thank you so much for all of your support!!

The Water Boy (Narry)  [Alternate Version]Where stories live. Discover now