Chapter 9: The Robotnik way.

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Normal pov

Shadow stirred as the sun hit his face, breathing in a familiar scent. He looked next to him to see Maria sleeping peacefully. He smiled and blushed as he looked at her sleeping form. She then moved and hid her face in his warm snowy patch of fur. Shadow couldn't help but play with her blonde quills with his gloved hand. She opened her eyes and looked up at him, "Morning Shadow.." she said in her exhausted voice. Shadow kissed her forehead, "Morning Maria." They both blushed but didn't care, as they were getting closer to each other a knock was at their room door. Shadow and Maria looked over to the door. "Shadow? Maria? We are heading to the Beach early today get ready!" Amy yelled gently. "We will be right there Amy." Maria replied getting out of bed. Maria still had yesterday's clothes on so she shuffled over to her new outfits, and her swim suit that she and Amy picked out. It was a light blue one piece, it also had 2 blue roses at the collar. Shadow put his shoes on, Maria handed him flip flops instead. Shadow didn't think flip flops were cool, but he took off his rocket shoes and put the flips on. Maria then gave him a swim suit that had the green chaos emerald on it. He looked at it.."that damn fourth chaos emerald." Maria giggled, "It suits you perfectly Shadow, everyone told me you were obsessed with that emerald." Shadow sighed but grinned a little, humouring himself a bit. "Well I need to go change I'll be back in a bit." she said opening the door heading to the bathroom. Shadow looks at the swim suit again, he gets out of the bed. He then looks out the window, "I hope that he hasn't figured out who Maria is yet.. If he does it will be hard for her to realize her only living relative is an insanely evil man."

Eggman's pov

I paced back and fourth in my lab for what seemed like hours, I kept thinking in my mind, that hedgehog looks like my dead cousin Maria. I felt like I needed her to be on my side, we are the Robotniks afterall. And with two Robotnik geniuses I can finally get rid of those accursed heros and Sonic. But Maria is too soft to want to hurt anyone, that plan would backfire. Oh I know, I'll say, I give up being a bad guy and wish to only help her know everything on this planet. I know she won't refuse, she rather be with family then friends..although Shadow is a different story. I'll just have to improvise.

Maria pov

I walk out of the bathroom with my blue rose swim suit and sky blue flip flops. I then fix my quills and place my matching headband on top of the golden strands. I then go knock on the door to my room where Shadow is trying on his swim suit. "Shadow you done?" I ask him. "Ya. Come in." he replied to me. I turn the knob and enter the room. Shadow was sitting at the edge of the bed, crossing his arms and looking out the window. "Shadow you alright? You seem to be in deep thought." I say maybe thinking of not going to the beach with the others. Shadow looked at me with a small smile. "Everything is fine Maria... It's just what happened yesterday got me thinking." he said almost sadly. "What? What is it?" I say walking toward him as his eyes looked into mine, the same weariness and distress unsettling me. "So nothing is fine then? What is making you feel uncomfortable? Please tell me Shadow." I placed my hand on his cheek comforting him as I've always done. He unfolded his crossed arms and touched my hand that was on his face. "Maria... There's something you must know about Dr. Eggman... He's your-" just as he was about to finish his sentence once again being interrupted by the same pink hedgehog. "Come on guys! Everyone is ready to go!" she yelled happily.

"Ya slow pokes we gotta go...even though I hate water..." Sonic said rather quietly. Shadow sighed in annoyance. "Very well then.. But don't come asking for help when you're drowning Faker!" Shadow bellowed. I took his hand and hurried out the door to the room heading down the stairs. Sonic and Amy smiled at the sight of us. "You guys look so cute!" Amy gushed with a big smile. Sonic stared at us for a second, "It's still weird that Shadow has a girlfriend.....I mean he always rejected every girl that came up to him before on Earth." Sonic said rather puzzled. Amy looked at him with 'the look'. "Sonic maybe he rejected them because even after thinking she was dead he still cared about her... He's very loyal and gentlemanly." She whisper lectured him. I can only make out the few words in the conversation which made my heart race again. "Sorry about what Sonic said Shadow, he can be very thick in the head." Amy apologized for Sonic. Sonic scratched his head thinking how stupid he was. "I don't really care what he said... Can we just go?" Shadow said with no emotion. Amy nodded and opened her door to the outside, everyone from before was there waiting. "Finally, what took you guys so long?" Knuckles said impatient as ever. Rouge rolled her eyes at him, she wore a purple and pink bikini top with white and black bottoms. Knuckles wore shorts that had Angel Island patterned on it, must have been a souvenir. Cream had a one piece suit that had flowers laced at the top and pink bows at the waist that matched the orange colored suit. Tails had his sunglasses on top his head, he wore shorts that had patterned planes on them, he also had flip flops. Silver wore cyan colored shorts that had white stripes at the sides. Blaze wore a bikini bottom that was a deep lavender purple with a matching jacket covering her top. Everyone was wearing their favorite colors and things. Oh and I almost forgot Sonic and Amy. Sonic didn't have a bathing suit so he went as his casual self. Amy however went all out, her quills were neatly set on her shoulders as the other quills in the back were pulled up into a high ponytail. Her red bikini had sparkles and one big bow on the left side of her chest. The bottoms were like a half skirt making it fancy. It must have been expensive... Maybe she's trying to impress Sonic. After seeing everyone's outfits we went to the Beach, when we got there I was mesmerized by the view. The sun shining against the glistening waves of the great beyond. My face lit up like a child that has seen their present on Christmas Day. Shadow saw this and smiled along with me, I gave him a light push and ran. "Race you to the water Shadow!" I said kind of regretting it as he took off his flips and ran as fast as possible to me. Instead of passing me he picked me up and raced to the water. "There we both everything you dreamed all that you hoped?" he asked me. I shook my head, "No, this is even better than I imagined, because I'm here with you." I kissed him as he kissed back hugging me close to his chest after a few seconds we stopped and held each other's hands. "So are you going to teach me how to swim Mr. Ultimate?" I giggled as his face was filled with awkwardness. He sighed and nodded, as I got into the water I yelped at how cold it was. "I don't like it now." I say getting out of the water hugging myself. Shadow chuckled covering his mouth. "It isn't funny!" I say upset. He still laughed, I glared at him, "Well if you think it's funny how about you go into the water." I said pushing him into the water as he grabbed onto my arm and pulled me down with him. I landed on him with a splash, I shook so much because it was cold. Until his arms wrapped around me, my face and arms were now warm. Shadow sat up as the water dripped off him. I was faced to face with him again, he smirked."Are you happy now?" I said slightly annoyed at his silly grin. "Maria your so cute when your annoyed." he facepalms and murmurs to himself "why did I say that?" I laughed at his new behavior, after that he taught me how to swim. And everyone else brought food that were their favorites. Shadow said he was hungry and asked me what I wanted to eat. I wasn't really hungry so I told him I was going to get seashells for a collection. He told me to stay in sight just in case, I promised that I would do as he asks. After a few seashells I went near the port side rocks and sat down looking at the shells that were in my hand. "Maybe I could make these into a bracelet or something..." I thought for a moment until a big shadow appeared. "Excuse me miss, can I talk to you for a minute or two?" a man said to me. I looked behind me and my eyes grew wide. The man from the town! I jumped to my feet and stepped back. "It's you, the one who hurt the people and almost destroyed their city! What are you doing here?!" I say taking battle stance. "Yes, yes I'm terribly sorry about that, didn't mean to hurt anyone, I just wanted to fight my enemy. You know the blue hedgehog called Sonic." he said. "Doesn't give you a reason to harm others!" I say remembering the fear in the citizens eyes. "Well we all learn from our mistakes.. " he said looking sad. I looked at him confused, his face almost resembles my grandfather. "Who are you anyway?" I asked. "I'm Ivo Robotnik, Eggman is my nickname." as he said that my head burned with mixed emotions. "Is it really you cousin? Ivo...?" I say in disbelief. "Yep it's me, guess age changed me. What's funny is that your young dear cousin!" he laughed. I chuckled slightly. "So have you come because you knew it was me?" I say curiously. "Yep although it's real easy to figure it out, my technology has been very useful...well some of them." he sighed. "But Grand dad Gerald was the best inventor and scientist of all time, I wish I could've been there before.." he paused. "Nevermind, Maria I'm just so glad to see you're alright. I was beginning to think I was the last Robotnik around..." he added sadly. I felt slightly saddened. "Maria! Where did you go?" Amy yelled a little. " I have to go Ivo... I can't let them know your here... After knowing your their enemy." I say apologetically. "It's alright after all its the Robotnik Way to always stick together. I do hope to see you again cousin, maybe you can visit me?" he asked. I felt torn between two people I can't tell anyone he's my family... Nor can I allow anyone to hurt him. But he's evil isn't he? "I'll think about it, I really must go Ivo." I say waving goodbye. As I left he also left. I went to Amy telling her I was out finding seashells. But I kept thinking about how to explain everything to Shadow. What would he say?

(Sorry for the long wait, Merry Christmas to you readers! Hope this story will serve as my gift to you! Next update is in Sumner of 2018. As always I hope you enjoyed the Chapter. 😊)

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