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This is to my best friend tiameriah4jascilla! Gurl you've been through a lot lately and I've got to you a big round of applause for staying strong the whole way (comment clapping emoji rn plz 👏). Maybe you shed a few tears, maybe you lost things along the way but, you still tried to go on and face life with a fist👊. All your friends and I are going to be standing by your side every step of the way. We appreciate you for making us laugh, smile, and dance. You might not think you're a very big deal but we think, I think, you mean the world. Whatever life brings to you it's all a big test to see who you will become. And boy will I tell you, you're doing that very well💪💪. All those people who doubt you, all those people who hate on you, they don't know what they're up against. They are up against the most talented, beautiful, strong, fearless girl I've ever met. So best friend, beat life in the face for me.  Accomplish your goals. Do whatever you can to make you the best you. I love you so much and happy early birthday.

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