Chapter 1- Matilda June

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Matilda June's POV

I propped my feet up the table in front of me as I emptied my fifth can of beer. It felt so great to be back in office.


Mom had told me I would regret becoming an officer one day, but being the young and rebellious teenager I used to be, I simply brushed her off and did as I pleased.

I bet she's laughing at me now, wherever the hell she may be. I deserve it, though.

I loathe being a member of the police force.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against police officers. But let's just say that if they were caught in a fire and I had the last glass of water in the world, I would use it to water the beautiful weeds behind me.

The life of a police officer is simply a Near Death Experience, I knew this and yet, I still became one.

But there are the perks to being an officer too. For one, you get to carry around a gun and won't get in trouble for it and two, almost everyone's afraid of you.

I almost forgot three, you get to go undercover.

Speaking of which, I was assigned to go undercover as a high school senior at some academy just a few hours ago. Apparently, one of the students there killed someone last night and I have to be the one to find them.


Of all the officers in this godforsaken place, I had to be the one chosen to track down a psychopathic killer and bring them to justice.

Yes, my life is fabulous!

Please note the sarcasm.

Cerise's POV

Going back to school meant facing Elliot and Aurora again and believe me when I say that I am not looking forward to that. Despite the way I may sound, Elliot and Aurora are actually my friends. I love them, that much is true, but within a few minutes, they'll be bound to notice that something's up and pressure me into telling the truth.

And then they'll find out I killed someone.

And then they'll leave me.

Like everyone always does.

=== (This represents time skips)

"CERISE LEANNE RAYNOTT!" Aurora exclaimed, marching up to me, face pink with what I assumed was anger but with Aurora, you never know.

Wait, Aurora didn't skip?!

"Um, hi Rory." I greeted meekly as she slowed to a halt in front of me.

"Don't you 'hi Rory' me!" Aurora replied, face still pink with definite anger. "You never called or contacted me and Elliot once!" She ranted, looking ready to go on a rampage.

The last time she went on one of those, we had to bust out the tranquilizers.

It took four to finally take her down.

Despite the fact she plays the role of little Miss Popular in the academy, Aurora is very scary and her standing at six foot two doesn't exactly make it any better for Elliot and I, although we're both taller than she is.

Elliot being six foot four and me being six foot three.

Speaking of which, where is Elliot?

"In the music room." Aurora spoke up. Sometimes I wonder if that girl is telepathic.

I've been away from school for so long that I barely even remember where anywhere is in this place, just as I was about to ask Aurora she spoke up, again.

"Follow me."

There's no denying it, Aurora Bonneville is telepathic.

As I walked behind Aurora, I compared and contrasted both our outfits and I think it's safe to say that Aurora's is way better than mine. Her outfit is done in light magenta, pink, dark purple, and gray. She's wearing a medium-length dress with a scalloped skirt, a gathered waist, and a single long gathered sleeve, as well as a pair of shoes with heels.

And my outfit is done in vivid red and white. I'm wearing a spaghetti strap shirt and a short layered skirt over a pair of knickers, as well as a pair of loafers and a short cloak. My accessories include a scarf and a hair ribbon.

Yes, Aurora is more of a fashionista than I'll ever be.

Not far away from the entrance, we could hear Elliot annihilating a Beethoven sonata, banging out notes.

"I see Elliot's gotten better." I joked weakly but I should've known that would never work, my jokes are horrible.

"Attempting to make me laugh will get you nowhere, Cerise, you're still in trouble so I'd be quiet if I were you. Understood?"


=== (I dub these signs, Pink, Green and Yellow!)

Elliot stood between Aurora and I, going on and on about something I didn't care to listen to. It was probably piano-related anyway, the boy loves those things.

But my mind was on an entirely different subject.

How exactly am I going to escape the police?

As we neared our first class of the day, I glanced at the watch stuffed in Elliot's pocket and my eyes dilated horror.

It's 9:30

Which means we're late

I grabbed the watch and studied it closely, we can't be late! Maybe the time on the watch is wrong, it has to be!

It has to!

"Something wrong, Cerise?" Elliot asked, looking down at me. All I did was shove the watch in his face and before I knew it, the three of us were at the entrance, Elliot being the only one panting heavily.

Yes, he dragged us all the way there.

"There! We made it!" He exclaimed in between his heavy panting.

Aurora simply rolled her eyes before pushing open the door, catching everyone's attention.

"Yes, we're late to class! Look at us as if we just killed someone." She said in a rather angry tone, strutting over to her seat with Elliot in tow.

I stood there, unable to move.

I've killed someone, so I deserve these looks.

The class was silent till I, very slowly, walked to my seat and plopped into it.

As the class restarted, I glanced around and my eyes landed on an unfamiliar redhead. I've never seen her here before so she must be new here.

Her outfit is done in light gray, light blue and silver. She's wearing a tunic with short gathered sleeves and a sash tied around her waist, as well as a pair of loafers. Her accessories include a collar necklace and a hair bow. And to top it all off, she has freckles.


The last time I ever saw a person with freckles was a long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away but also fourteen years ago and in Colorado. I don't remember the person but I'm sure he or she had freckles and red hair.

The freckles girl seemed to be looking for something, or rather, someone.

And I think that person is me, because when her honey-colored eyes landed on me, I knew at that very moment that this redhead and I were going to have a very interesting relationship.

Very interesting indeed.


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Ja, my fantabulous mini warriors!

🍰 -_Scarlet_Warrior_- 🍰

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