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   Packs are so stupid. I managed to slide right in with no hassle. Maybe I'd manage to kill a few to liven this up a bit. Where could all the wolves be at?

Laughter echoed through the halls, but it wasn't joyous nor was it pleasant. It was merciless, cold and cruel. Enough for me to stop in my tracks and follow the sound.

   Once I reached the bedroom the laughter was coming from, I fumed with anger. On the floor was a little girl, no older than the age of nine, being beaten by three young men. Blood trickled from the multiple cuts on her arms and legs as her tears flowed like waterfalls from her eyes. Not a sound came from the beaten girl, but the bulky men were growling at her to say something, anything. The words 'mute mutt' was repeated over and over as the small girl cried silently. Her clothes were tattered and stiff with dry blood and slowly dampening with the new pouring out of her wounds. Her feet had thorns in them and were callused, as if they had never seen shoes for a day in her short life.

   "What is going on here?" my voice boomed through the room, silencing the cruel torment but her tears kept flowing down her pale face. The boys looked astonished upon seeing me at the door, which only served to fuel my anger. They were enjoying this torture so much that they had yet to notice the rouge in the room.

   "Rouge," one growled, turning away from the girl. The knife in his hand still had her blood dripping from the tip, the deep crimson color seemed to glow against the silver of the knife.

   "Still a better wolf then any of you boys," I growled deeply, showing my strength as I got ready to attack the sad excuses of wolves that stood in front of me. With one single growl, all three panicked and ran out the door, probably to find someone more compatible to fight me. Good luck.

   "My dear child, are you okay?" I dropped to my knees in front of the girl and bared my neck slightly, showing her I meant no harm to her already beaten body. Her tears had stopped but she still had the pain shining in her eyes.

With skin as white as snow, her blood glowed brighter then it had on the knife. Her hair was a mess of red and brown to the point I couldn't tell her natural color was from all the blood and mud that was caked into it.

Though the most interesting about her appearance, was her eyes. Though she was beaten and bleeding from all her wounds, her eyes shone a bright silver. Her eyes still had a light shining and a confidence unknown to even me, while she sat there quietly in her own pool of blood.

   "Where's the rouge?" a deep voice, an alpha voice, boomed before a man appeared into the room. My mate. He's my mate. And he has noticed that too. He lowered his guard down, but I did not. Not for a single moment.

"You are no mate of mine," I hissed at him as I stood over the girl, protecting her from his sight. He whined lightly before growling lowly himself. His wolf saddened at the thought I didn't claim him. How could I claim this stupid boy?

"You're mine," he roared and threw the lamp from beside him, startling the fragile girl behind me.

"No I am not. My mate would be passionate and kind. He would show compassion and protect those who needed protected. You are not my mate," I growled as I walked closer towards him. My power slowly showing to this poor excuse of a male.

"I am an Alpha, I protect my pack," I was pulling at his ability to be an alpha and it was angering him.

"What about her?" I looked at the girl. She had her head bowed, but I could feel her slowly draining of what little strength she said.

"She's nothing. If you be mine, she will be protected," he bargained, almost pleaded, further angering me and my wolf. He should have protect her anyway. He should have been there for her.

"No. She will be protected. She's coming with me," I stood tall as he growled in anger again. She was mine now and she will come with me. She will join the Rouges and we will care for her. We will be her family

"You are rogue. To take a pack member without permission from your pathetic leader and without her permission is treason and you'd be killed," he hissed. The thought of me dying had angered him, yet I doubt he would notice if this little pup was slaughtered in cold blood.

"I DO NOT NEED PERMISSION. I AM THE QUEEN OF ROGUES AND IF YOU DISOBEY ME, YOUR PACK WILL FEEL THE WRATH OF THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN OUTCASTED," my voice echoed off all the walls and caused his men behind him to submit. He winced before submitting to my power and bowed unwillingly. It did not matter if he was Alpha, I was royal. My power overruled.

I walked to the girl and picked her up lightly, making sure not to injure her more. I walked out of the house with his whines and pleas for me to not go behind me. I had a responsibility to my people and now to her, and I will protect her, for she will become the Princess of Rouges and she will protect our people like I protected her today.

948 words. Just a little background for our little Princess.

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