All of the above, wait I mean below, wait I mean to the left

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So I had many tests even though it's only the beginning of the school year and on many of them I keep seeing an all of the above choice as an answer. No big deal right. I mean if all of the other choices can be right then you just select it right? But then you come to realize the choice of words they used for all of the above. It says ALL OF THE ABOVE  and yet all of the above can be set at the letter A, B , C, or D, or E if your test has an E. So then you look above the All of the above choice and see... the question. Welp this is definitely correct, All of the above it is! Woo hoo!!!!! Ok so yeah it seem like I'm overreacting to  this, but this is what this book is about so.... The way we can fix this problem is to change All of the above to All other answers, this way, it would make more sense and we will have one less typo to overreact about.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2017 ⏰

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