Chapter 6 ~ Their Stare.

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I then was shoved to the ground by someone.

"Me too!"

My eyes widened to see Yona on top of me.

~Your P.O.V.~
"What are you two doing?! Thinking you can leave me like that!!"

I sighed,"Yona, it's for your own good!"

I felt her eyes burning through my skull,"Yona stop burning my skull."

I noticed she was pretty light so I jumped up which made her fall down, I chuckled a bit at her ridiculous face after it hit the ground.

 I looked back up at Hak,"Hak, I know you want to keep us safe and thinking we could live here would work, but they already know we are here."

his eyes widened as he sighed in agreement. I heard Mun-deok approach us and spaced out of the conversation only hearing about this oracle guy that would help us. 

~Time Skip~

By now we were already walking down the rocky path close to the open valley. I was chasing Yona because she poked me.

I screamed,"Yona I'm gonna kill you!"

She was laughing and running when she tripped, I caught her only to hear Hak approach us. I looked at him and back at Yona. She was so happy, how could someone like Su~won kill father? He was so sweet.. I remember when he helped Yona after mother died. My pupils dilated, remembering what happened to mother.

Suddenly I heard footsteps approaching us and turned around, seeing Fire soldiers had followed us in. I gripped my sword and told them Yona to say close to Hak, he uncovered his glaive and shot the first row of guys down as the second stood back in shock.


Soldiers were sliding down the rocky sides as Hak stood still and I grabbed Yona by the hand. Hak cut them all in half like usual, as the gang leader's son appeared. Hak distracted me and Yona with all the pretty nature half way into Tea-jun's talk.

"Even if this has nothing to do with wind clan, I will kill anyone in my way."

Now that made my blood boil,"I'm only here for Princess (Y/n)."

I stood there in shock, its been years since he last saw me and he still won't quit?! I guess that's why a lot of the time I got those flowers only found in Fire Clan's territory. 

Tea-jun ordered,"Kill him! Don't let him rest!"

Hak kept hitting them and dodging the arrows as he held onto Yona, I helped only a little by taking down some guys that are suffering from Hak's swings. Hak held Yona's hand we all running for it, while Yona was distracted she tripped on a broken arrow having Fire clan shoot at her, Hak taking the hit. She turned around and we made it towards cover in a bush.

They were looking for us when I heard Yona,"Hak, your bleeding."

I looked at Hak, I thought he dodged it! Hak then ran into the bushes to keep fighting off guards. Idiot, going off like that. 

I held my sword and relaxed until I heard Tea-jun speak near us,"Where did he take the princesses? They couldn't have just disappeared!"

His adviser spoke,"Hak must have hid them somewhere.."

Tea-jun shouted,"Find them and kill Hak!"

My blood at this point might have turned into a fire pit.

Tea-jun smirked,"He can't go on like this forever, but only now he's showing fatigue?"

"That arrow we hit him with was poison-tipped."

Me and Yona's eyes both widened, I clenched my fist a bit of blood dripping from my now open skin and my jaw clenched. That idiot knew it was poisoned and didn't tell me?!?! Tea-jun aimed for Yona, attempting to kill her and Hak over me?! What the heck is wrong with this guy?! 

I got up sub-consciously, slowly walking over to Tea-jun. I heard him speak again,"Hit him again next time his back is in a clear shot!"

I heard Yona gasp sharply, she probably heard that. Hak showed his back and right as he was about to shoot, I grabbed a bow and arrow and shot him into a tree. 

Tea-jun looked at me in shock,"Hurt him and I will rip your skin off and have you eat your own flesh and blood."

I heard Yona come out and stay behind me, Tea-jun barely managed to get out,"(Y/n)? Did you shoot that?"

I stepped forward,"Who did you think it was? My deceased father?"

Me and Yona both stared at him coldly with a small flame of anger.

He stood back a bit,"I've been wanting to talk to you, (Y/n)"

I spat out,"With what?"

He smiled trying to make himself innocent,"Well it must have been very hurtful to have someone you trust to kill your father and drive you out of the only home you know of. You and your sister can come with me! We can make the truth public and take Su-won down!"

I started laughing catching their attention, when I stopped I had a straight face,"What makes you think I'll go with you?"

I started approaching him,"You pushed the wind clan into accepting something they don't exactly agree with, I know you ordered those men to attack the merchants! You poisoned Hak and nearly hit my sister with that arrow and you think I'd just go with you?! You probably knew about Su-won's plan and assisted him with it! If you even thought I would go with you, you sure need to get this through your skull. I hate you!"

Tea-jun tilted his head up and I heard Hak yelling at us in the background, but my hate was so close to exploding I couldn't focus.

Tea-jun thought, Why can't I look away from them? Their eyes are burning through me!


Hi guys! I decided to make these chapters shorter so they don't take so long to come out, although special ones will be 1,000 words! The description will still be severely detailed like usual. AHHHH!!! I'm so excited! I can't wait for you guys to see what's coming!

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