•Im here...•

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(( Word count: 1133 woo!))


The only sound that emitted in the dimly lit corridor was the clacking of Gaster's heels as he walked.

He was on his way to see the beloved king of the underground, Asgore. Oh how everyone adored the old fool. With his golden locks and his perfect smile and his heart-wrenching laugh.

Gaster sighed. It has been so long since he heard his laugh. Especially since the queen had left.

Ah, yes, Queen Toriel. Such a shame. Ever since the humans had sealed the monsters underground Asgore had vowed to find a way to free monsters from our prison and take back what was once ours.

Our freedom.

But then, the unexpected happened. A human had fallen into the underground. They were found by prince Asriel and before anyone knew it they were part of the Dreemur family.

'Chara', Gaster remember the human's name was.

Everyone was happy. Everything was perfect. At least...that's what everyone thought. It wasn't long before Chara died from an illness. Then everything wasn't so perfect anymore.

Devastated, Prince Asriel absorbed their soul and passed through the barrier to grant the humans dying wish. To be buried in a patch of golden flowers.

Not long after Gaster had found out that the Prince was dead. Killed by the humans. His dust spread among the many golden flowers.

The whole underground was devastated. Things just kept getting worse, weren't they?

Saddened and angered by the loss of his beloved children, the king swore on his very life that there would be no mercy on humans, and that all of them would suffer like they made them suffer.

Another human fell.

Though he was conflicted, the king knew he had to take their SOUL. Especially after learning that it would take seven human SOULs to break the barrier and return to the surface.

So he killed the human.

After so many other fallen humans had faced the same fate, Toriel couldn't take it anymore and left the King. She knew the humans were bad, but these were mere children.

She was there one morning and gone the next. Asgore assumed the worst but there was no dust to be found. He could only hope to see her again.

Now sad and alone, the poor king was forced to take more of the humans SOULs, for his kingdom and everything he stood for.

Gaster stopped at the large doors. Waves of emotion washed over him as he suddenly remembered the sullen history of the underground.

Anger, anxiety, nervousness, but mostly sadness. Especially for his king. Gaster never really had a family. It was all a blur to him when it came to growing up. He felt sympathy for his king. Losing his entire family only to be left by himself. He couldn't imagine it.

Gaster felt as he couldn't face his king, not today. One look at his face could get to him.

He was about to turn away when he heard something behind the great doors.

He heard sobbing.

Hesitant at first, Gaster pushed the doors with all his might and was faced with something he'll never forget.

The mighty king of the underground, who swore to kill all the horrible humans, was crying atop his mighty throne.

Gaster gasped. The scientist gawked at his king. Asgore held his head low while covering his pitiful face with his hand. His huge shoulders bobbing up and down in sync with his sobs.

"My king!", Gaster finally said and with haste, he avoided stepping on a single flower of the king's beautiful garden and rushed over to him.

"My king, are you alright?", the scientist asked.


Asgore didn't answer but he stopped sobbing. Slowly, the king rose his head and looked at Gaster. He looked terrible.

He had bags under his eyes, his cheeks stained with tears, little trails of snot under his nose, and he looked like he hasn't had a trim in a while.

Gaster looked woefully at his king. "Please", he begged, "tell me what's wrong.

Gaster hated to see his king like this. It made his heart ache. He was so used to seeing him smile and laugh. This wasn't the king that Gaster knew.

"Oh Gaster, I'm sorry you had to see me like this", the king sighed, "but if only you could understand how lonely it is to be king without someone at your side", he said. "I know it has been so long since Toriel has left, but it still hurts me to know I might never see her again. The heart ache is unbearable."

With his other hand, he pulled a photo out of his cloak. It was of him and his family. They all looked so happy together.

"If only I could go back to those days. But alas, its all for not.", he sighed as he threw the picture on the ground.

"My dear king", Gaster said, "there is no use in dwelling about the past. By focusing only on the things that happened so long ago, you'll miss what is happening now. What happened to you and your family is grave and tragic. I will not say I know how you feel, because I don't. I've never really had the time to settle down and have a family, nor do I have a remberence of my past family. Of course, this gives you less a reason to listen to a fool like me, but I assure you, the past is a dangerous thing. The past is fully of tragity and regret. The two very things that set a terrible future. So please, don't cry my king."

Gaster hadn't realized that he closed his eyes while talking but when he opened them he was surprised. Asgore was smiling. It made the scientist's heart flutter. Tears still stained the king's cheeks.

Gaster used his boney hand to wipe away his tears and was a little taken back when the king suddenly hugged him.

"Gah! Y-your majesty!", Gaster yelped as he was pulled into the embrace. A light blush spread across his face. He tried to hide it by burying his face in Asgore's chest but it only made it deepen.

"Thank you, Gaster. What would I ever do without you." He hugged him closer. "Y-your very welcome sire. And don't worry, I'm here..."


Three of the royal guards stood behind the great doors, listening to the two talk. "Aawwwwww", the said in unison. "They'd make a great couple.", the first one said. "When's the wedding?", another one joked. "Otp, otp, otp, otp, otp.", the last kept mumbling under their breathe.


((Lol I'm so guilty of this ship. Got a problem with it? Fite me (ง'̀-'́)ง lool aaaannnywwaayyy comment and vote or whatev))



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