~All alone...~

649 29 8

((Word count: 360))


Asgore hummed as he watered the flowers that littered his throne room, his tired eyes scanning the area to make sure every flower got their days fill of moisture.

It was quiet in the castle.

The halls were no longer filled with the boisterous laughter of his two children. Their footsteps no longer echoed off the pristine walls as they chased each other around while playing their silly games. Their rooms were no longer decorated with pictures or drawings, and no longer did their beds hold them while they slept at night.

The kitchen was no longer filled with the smell of freshly baked butterscotch pie. It no longer held the sounds of pots and pans clanking around or dishes being washed for the next batch of goods. His bed never held the weight of his loving wife at night and his face no longer felt the warmth of her kisses. 

He was all alone.

Or so he thought.

The king was blissfully unaware of the ghosting presence behind him. He was totally oblivious to the way it reached out to him, restrained by the barriers of reality. He couldn't hear the way it screamed his name, asking if he could hear it, begging him to free it from the Hell it was trapped in. The king only continued to hum his merry tune.

Though, a few moments later, he stopped humming.

He just stood there, listening to the silence.

He could've sworn he heard something, someone.

No, he thought, chuckling a bit. That's ridiculous. There was no one else here.

He was all alone.


((Eyyy its been a while huh? Yeah sorry about that. I know by now i just sound like a broken record but school suuuuucks. I was actually considering discontinuing this but i saw that the book was getting more reads and that kinda motivated me to add this little filler chapter. I'm currently working on the second part of What Christmas Is All About but idk when that's gonna be done. So until then vote, comment, actually do something with your life, idc as long as you enjoyed

Until next time...


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