Spoons and Cereal Boxes

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It was a early morning, and i was up last night making my self sugar-drunk. It was surprisingly easy to do, buy candy, nutella, soda, and anything with lots of sugar, then eat it all. Now here i was, STILL sugar-drunk and mumbling about gummy bears. My older brothers are looking at me concerned, well i didn't care, all i wanted to do was eat my freaking cereal.

My brothers walk out of the room probally about to talk about me there little brother who was sugar-drunk.

I look over at the box of fruit loops, and saw the tocan smiling at me. "What you laughing about?" I ask him, and he keeps on smiling.

"Stop that." he still woudn't move, "Listen you little bitch, i said stop, so stop you mother ______!!"

Not a couple seconds later my 2 older brothers come back to the kitchen to see me attacking the cereal box with my spoon, "Die ya freaking cereal box!! DIE!!"

They rushed over and pulled me away from the table, "No!" I complain as they brought me up to my room.

"no can do little bro" Roy says to me, supporting my arms, "ya, Timmy you ate to much sugar last night you need to sleep." Troy adds on.

The shove me under my covers and turn off the lights and walk out of the room. I wasn't long before i fell into a deep sleep, dreaming about gummy bears and those annoying Tocans on the fruit loop cereal box.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2018 ⏰

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