Marking and a Break Through

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Chuuya stumbled and fell into the brick wall in an alley way. 

“Fuck…” Chuuya winced and panted heavily. Chuuya pulled out his phone and he went through his contacts, and he called Dazai. Chuuya put the phone up to his ear listening to it ring. Chuuya felt a quick tug on his arm, and his phone dropped out of his hand. The vampire pushed Chuuya up against a wall and squeezed his neck. Dazai saw his phone ringing, and he looked seeing it said Slugg and he smiled. Dazai quickly answered the phone.  

“Hey Chuuya. Where are you? I’ve been waiting for you.” Dazai heard Chuuya on the other end struggling. 

“Babe?” Dazai called again. Dazai listened closely. Something was off and Dazai knew it. While he was listening he went into the bedroom and he opened the dresser pulling out one of Chuuya’s shirts. He sniffed it catching his scent so he could find him. Dazai hurriedly made his way out the house looking for Chuuya. 

“Let me go!” Chuuya pushed at the vampire and even though he was in pain he went to kick him. The vampire grabbed his leg and grabbed Chuuya’s upper thigh harshly. Chuuya winced and he pulled his knife out of his knife strap and Chuuya stabbed the vampires shoulder. Stunning him a bit. 

“Ahh!” The vampires eyes turned dark red. “Ohohoh you little bitch. Wrong mistake.” 

Ophelia stopped the other vampire as she grabbed Chuuya by his neck again.  

“You’re going to be a tasty treat.” Ophelia smiled as she leaned in, and her eyes flickered bright red. She opened her mouth as her fangs were reveled. Ophelia went to go bite Chuuya but she stopped. She sniffed Chuuya and she pulled away in shock. 

“I know this scent… You…” 

Chuuya looked at her in shock. He’s never seen a vampire restrain from feeding on a human. Especially a pure blood vampire. And the way Chuuya was bleeding from his stomach he knows the scent had to be making it even more difficult to restrain themselves. 

“You smell just like him...” She looked down sadly and let Chuuya’s neck go. 

“What the hell?” Chuuya thought. “She can smell Dazai on me…?” 

“Let’s go.” Ophelia said walking away. 

“W-What?!” The other vampire said disappointed. 

Ophelia looked at him, her almond eyes narrowing. 

“I said let’s go. We can’t bite him anyway. He is marked.” 

The other vampire just looked at her and then sighed following behind her. Chuuya watched as both vampires started walking away. Chuuya’s vision got blurry, and he felt himself slowly passing out.  

Dazai knew Chuuya was close he ran into an alley seeing him about to hit the ground. Dazai ran over with lightening speed before Chuuya hit the ground he caught him. Dazai saw Chuuya was bleeding on his waist coat. And Dazai looked at his hand seeing all the blood. 

“Damn it… Okay… Okay… Let’s get you to Yosano, Chuu.” Dazai picked up Chuuya in his arms bridal style and he made his way to the ADA headquarters. 


It was early morning now in Yokohama. Last night had been hard. Chuuya almost didn’t make it because of all the blood he lost. But thank god for Yosano, she was a miracle worker. And after she healed up Chuuya and gave him a blood transfusion he was okay. Chuuya rested all through the night and Dazai laid in the bed beside him holding him close. Dazai was worried who ever tried to attack Chuuya might have enough courage to try again. So, he made sure to stay by the red heads side. Dazai was currently running his finger through Chuuya’s ginger hair. Chuuya groaned slightly and he opened his eyes slowly. 

“O-Osamu…?” Chuuya looked up at him smiling. 

“Hey Chuu…” Dazai smiled. “How are you feeling?” 

“My side hurts like hell but other than that I am fine. How did you even find me?” 

“Your scent.” Dazai smiled. “Thank god I found you when I did. You lost a lot of blood. But Yosano took good care of you last night.” 

“Thank you both…” Chuuya smiled. 

“I’ll tell Yosano thank you for you later. And of course. I will always be here to protect you Chuuya.” Dazai rubbed his thumb on Chuuya’s cheek. 

“Plus your mom is scary. Kouyou-nee would hang my head above her fire place if I didn’t.” 

Chuuya laughed loudly. “Yeah my mother can be pretty terrifying.” 

Dazai laughed with him. “Hey Chuu…” 


“Who attacked you last night?” 

“Two vampires. Pure bloods. One had the description of the guy from your case. He had black hair and purple eyes. He was tall and lanky. And he had on white clothes, brown boots, and a white fur hat. And he was with a woman she had long brown hair and eyes like yours. She was going to feed off me but she stopped. She said she recognized the scent. It seemed like she knew you. After she smelled you on me, she didn’t bite me. She said I was marked by you, and she just turned and walked away.” 

“She knew my scent?” Dazai said curiously. 

“Yes. After she smelled you on me she backed away.” 

“Huh, is that so? So there is another prep just like I thought.” 

“From your case yesterday?” Chuuya asked tilting his head to the side. 

“Yes. At the scene there was two people. One was the usual bite. And the other extremely sloppy. Which made me think there was another prep and I was right.” 

Dazai and Chuuya stopped talking when they heard the door click open. Kouyou and Bernadette walked in.  

“Daddy & Daddy Osamu!” Bernadette said happily as she ran to them. Dazai picked her up and sat her on his lap. Bernadette leaned over and she touched Chuuya’s cheek. 

“Is Daddy okay?” Bernadette said looking at Chuuya sadly. 

Chuuya smiled as he pulled Bernadette over putting her between him and Dazai and Chuuya tapped her nose.  

“Yeah. I am alright.” 

Kouyou sat on the other side of the bed next to her son.  

“I am glad to hear.” Kouyou said running her hand through Chuuya’s hair. 

Kouyou coughed and she blushed slightly. “I am not use to thanking anyone. As I have always looked over Chuuya but… thank you Dazai for taking care of my boy.” 

Dazai laughed a bit at the woman’s honesty. “It’s nothing. Chuuya means just as much to me as he does you. I will do what I have to, to protect him. Bernadette too.” 

Kouyou smiled at him. Kouyou was the type of mother who gaining her approval is more than difficult. And she never thought anyone was worthy of her son. But Dazai was proving he was slightly worthy and Chuuya and Bernadette seemed to really enjoy having Dazai around so that was enough for her. Kouyou was pulled from her thoughts when she saw Dazai standing up kissing Chuuya on his forehead and then Bernadette. 

“I’ll be back soon. I have to go talk with Kunikida and Ranpo. Kouyou do you mind staying till then?” 

“Not at all.” 

Dazai nodded. “Thanks.” 

Chuuya and Bern waved goodbye to Dazai and Dazai waved back and then he put on his coat. Dazai closed the hospital room door and then he walked to go find Ranpo and Kunikida. Dazai was starting to realize just who were behind these murders and he had a plan to bring them out like the rats they were.  

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