The ball

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As the lights flashed a deep purple envelope hit hazel's head, It read in fancy handwriting: You're invited to the magical and mythical creatures ball as she opened it black liquid poured out she heard a BANG CRASH ERRRR as her sister Rose ran in shouting "I SMELL POISEN!!!" Now, as the reader you may be asking who are these people? I shall tell you, Rose has the ability to see thoughts, dreams, nightmares, fears and fantasiesand has super senses she also has A.D.D (like me) and has long red hair, loves shells now, I don't mean loves them as in collects them every now and then. I mean cover your room in shells sort of "loves shells". And now for Hazel, Hazel has smooth silky red hair tied in a loose bun and in that hair lies two ginormous purple demon horns (oh btw they're all (from the ball to goodbye) demons unless i say i say so)


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