Chapter 2

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"Ya' know Steve, they say its normal for people like you to have post traumatic stress. Especially one who's gone through World War 2." The millionaire Tony Stark says with his usual conceded attitude.

Steve rolls his eyes and smirks at the comment, yet he was still a bit concerned about the plaguing memory.

"Well, thanks. I still don't think I'm going to tell director Fury about it, he might want me to go see a psychologist."

"Whatever, I dealt with a few flashbacks after going through that portal thing... and, dying..."

"*sigh*, maybe talking about it to a professional could help..."

"What, from a shrink?! Whatever, it's probably nothing to worry about."

"Weren't you just saying that I could have post traumatic stress?"

Tony shrugs his shoulders.

Steve only mentally laughs at his brash friend.

"Come on we need to get this pizza back to Stark tower before it gets cold. And if I would of just flown there and back in my ingenious armor we wouldn't have to worry about Bruce going all 'HULK NO LIKE COLD PIZZA'. But someone insisted that we should take a walk."

"I'm pretty sure Clint and Natasha can handle him." Steve commented with a smile and an eyebrow raised.

But that's when he heard it... That voice!

"I'm telling you Mattie, if they would of gone into over time then the shoot out, we would of had them."

"Sure whatever you say Alfred."

Steve had thought so! It was Alfred. The soldier from the war! But that was impossible!

"Tony, wait." Steve said scanning the crowd.



The recognizable voice grew clearer and a bit louder as if it were growing closer.

"Ya know what Mattie, we'll go to McDonald's, then we'll head over to my place to play some video games."

"Because you're the hero?" The second voice asked in a soft sarcastic tone.

"Yes cuz I'm the hero!"

That's when he spotted it the sandy blond hair. With one cowlick sticking up from the hairline. He was wearing a normal pair of faded jeans and American Eagle T-shirt, and draped over it was a brown bombers jacket.

Once Steve made eye contact with Alfred's glasses covered blue orbs. They both froze on spot, before Alfred grabbed the person's sleeve beside him and bolted back through the crowd.

Steve finally gathered his bearings and ran after him.

"Steve wait!" Tony called running after him.

"That was him!" Steve shouted to Tony as he started chasing the soldier through the crowd.

After weaving through the people Steve halted, spinning around to try and regain sight of the pursuee, when his phone rings.

Steve pulls out his cell phone an brings it to his ear without stopping his search.

"Steve, what in the world is going on?!"

"That soldier from the flashback! That was him!"

"Steve-" tony started with a worried tone

"I'm serious, he recognized me to and that's why he ran!"

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